Saturday, 6 April 2019

Paper 8 cultural studies

Name.   Gohil Jyotiba .P.

Sem 2

Roll no 13

Subject  - Cultural studies

Topic-. Postmodernism and popular culture, Postcolonialism .
Submitted to MKBU Department of English.

What is cultural studies?
Cultural studies brings to everyday life the same tools of analysis one finds in literary study.Advertisments , popular songs,television shows,journalism,gaming -all can be analyzed from a variety of critical perspective.That is the case because they are imaginative artifacts that bear meaning.They are constructed using techniques similar to those used in film and literature such as narrative ,metaphor,irony,framing and composition.As in literature,so in culture meaning is borne by signs.signs fiction because they embody codes that are shared by cultural communities.

       Postmodernism,especially in terms of its use for Cultural studies,rejects the opposition between 'high' or culture and 'low' or mass culture.It question the criteria by which certain forms assumption are projected as good taste classics permanent and universal.Postmodernism is closely aligned with Cultural studies.
           It interrogates any notion,philosophy or ideal of general, universal and overarching nature.It rejects  the claim of any  universal or totalizing theory.It celebrates plurality,heterogeneity,and the small local,innovative,marginalized and unfinished narratives that respect differences and specificities of culture,individuals and regions.Meaning is seen as differential,contingent and purely arbitrary.The process of representation seeks not to offer any insight the truth.
  In literature it collapses the distinction s between genres and convention.Postmodernism suggests that power relation structure all social truths,approaches and even conception of reality.
Postmodern condition
      Jean - Francois leotard characterizes the postmodern as a disbelief in and resistance to metanarrative and address universal condition.
The capitalist mode of production justified and naturalized itself through certain pattern of thought.The exploitative economic relations of the factory are carried over into the social realm.The economic base influence the social super future.
Ideology is sustained and reproduced through cultural forms such as art.Culture must be understood in relation to the economic condition of the age .There is a correlation between the socio economic condition and the kind of Cultural works produced.

Popular culture.
         Cultural studies looks at mass or popular culture and everyday life.
     Popular culture is the culture of masses.It is graffiti,comic,mass cinema,popular music,the open spaces of the city,sports.It is the culture of the everyday life of the larger number of people.
     For a very long time such forms of art were dismissed as 'inferior' .The term 'mass culture' was used pejoratively.The only true culture was that of the elite members of society.The culture of the wealthy minority section of the population was projected as the wealthy minority section of the population was projected as the 'standard' or 'true' culture.So academic studies would look at 'great work of art' or 'classical authors' , ignoring the fact that the greater number of people never viewed these art forms or read these classical authors.Standards of judgment and ideas of taste were framed using these elite forms as examples.Certain authors,forms and genres were given respectability as'culture' .
       What this means is the upper classes in a society legitimized certain artefacts as 'culture' .Some object- a painting by M.F.Hussain,the writing of Robindranath Tagore and William Shakespeare ,the film's of satyajit Ray -acquired an aura respectability as culture.
     In the 1950s and1960s a change in focus came about in Cultural analysis.Scholars started taking culture seriously.In 1969 the Department of culture at Bowling Green University (USA) launched the journal of popular culture.The journal carried essay on spiderman comics,rock music,amusement park, the detective film and other such forms of popular culture.It is in popular culture studies that Cultural studies finds its first movement.
        As noted in the previous section,globalization has a sustained engagement with and influence on local culture.Some critics have argued that we need to address the role of globalization through the Postcolonialism lens.Sence Postcolonialism studies is concerned,as the chapter on theories explores,the oppression of the non European raced by European ones,cultural studies in a globalized culture.That is the aware of their appropriation of global cultures,often transforming the global in their own native contexts.
        Everyday life is a site of struggle over meaning.Conflicting sources the global and the local battle for supremacy should we buy Khabar is expensive cotton fashions are more cheaply available because they are made  in South Asian sweatshops? Should we watch only arid Door darshan program when star offers a lot more you can not  watch the Indian cricket team playing a match in India because Door darshan ,prasar Bharti and other local institution have  fouled up.


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