Saturday, 6 April 2019

Paper 5 The Romantic literature

Name  Jyotiba P Gohil

Sem.   02

Roll .13

Batch. 2018_20

Paper  The Romantic literature

Topic John keats's poem psyche,Autumn.

Submitted to .MkBU Department of English.

                John keats born 1795 in London.Pursued a medical career as an apprentice surgeon but gave up the practice shortly after performing his first operation in 1816.He wrote the five odes upon which his reputation is based.Ode to Psyche was second ode,ode to Psyche was first published in 1820.He died 25 years age.He written ode to Psyche in spring 1819.

*Myth of Psyche
         Psyche represents the human soul made immortal through love.In the ancient world when a man had just died,his body was often portrayed as having a butterfly fluttering above it.In Greek word Psyche means both soul and butterfly.
       The myth of Psyche presents her as a mortal king's daughter of such beauty that she caused people to forget Venus,the goddess of love.
        However,psyche was helped by the gods and by nature until such time as she reunited with Eros and forgiven by Venus,then eventually made immortal by Zeus.
           The moment that Cupid and Psyche are revealed is an example of keats in intensity.
         The narrator's ability to witness the union is unique to Keats's version of the Psyche myth because the lovers in the original story were covered in darkness.
        Part of the problem with in ode to Psyche is in the narrator's claim that Psyche was neglected since she became a goddess later than the other Greco Romandeities.

         In this poem story about Cupid and Psyche.Psyche was the most beautiful daughter of king.Cupid by accident,scratches himself,with his own dart and falls in love with Psyche.Cupid was son of Venus.When she sells hot oil from his lamp thus waking him.cupid became angry and left her and went to heaven and Psyche serve Cupid on the earth.Then Psyche immortal by Zeus and went to the poem is personified the beauty.
       The poem about The goddess Psyche.She is a urging and asking that she forgive him for singing to her own secrets.He says that while wandering through the forest that very day,he stumbled upon.
   "Two fair creatures"......Lying side by side in the grass,beneath a "whispering roof" of leaves,surrounded by flowers.
In the second stanza the speaker addresses Psyche again describing her as the youngest and most beautiful of all all the Olympic gods and goddesses.
      In the third stanza attribute this lack to Psyche's youth ,she has come into the world too late for.
        Fourth The Psyche's priest and build her a temple.

      Throughout the poem,the speaker addresses autumn as if it were a person.In the first stanza,he notes that autumn and the sun are like best friends rotting how to make fruit grow and how to ripen crops before the harvest.The ripening will lead to the dropping of seeds,which sets the stage of spring flowers and the whole process starting over again.He tells us about the bees that think summer can last forever as they buzz around the flowers.But the speaker knows better.
              The second stanza describes the period after the harvest.When autumn just hangs out around the granary where harvested grains are kept.Most of the hard work has already been done,and autumn can just take a hap in the fields,walk across Brooks or watch the making of cider.
                  In the third stanza,the speaker notes that the music of spring is a distant memory,but that Autumn's music is pretty cool,too.This music includes images of clouds and harvested Fields at sunset,gnats flying around a river,lambs bleating,crickets singing and birds whistling and twittering.

                In both its form and descriptive surface Autumn is one of the simplest of Keat's odes.There is nothing confusing or complex in Keat's poem to the season of autumn with its fruitfulness,its flowers,and the song of its swallows gathering for migration.

*Style of writing
           Like the"ode an melancholy","To Autumn" is written in a three stanza structure with a various Rhyme scheme is elven lines long as opposed to ten in "melancholy" and each is metered in a relatively precise imabic organization and Rhyme scheme, each stanza is divided roughly in to two parts.In each stanza the first part is made up of the first four lines of the stanza and second part is made up last seven line.The first part of each stanza follows or ABAB Rhyme scheme.The first stanza is arranged CDEDCCE.

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