Saturday, 6 April 2019

Paper 8 cultural studies

Name.   Gohil Jyotiba .P.

Sem 2

Roll no 13

Subject  - Cultural studies

Topic-. Postmodernism and popular culture, Postcolonialism .
Submitted to MKBU Department of English.

What is cultural studies?
Cultural studies brings to everyday life the same tools of analysis one finds in literary study.Advertisments , popular songs,television shows,journalism,gaming -all can be analyzed from a variety of critical perspective.That is the case because they are imaginative artifacts that bear meaning.They are constructed using techniques similar to those used in film and literature such as narrative ,metaphor,irony,framing and composition.As in literature,so in culture meaning is borne by signs.signs fiction because they embody codes that are shared by cultural communities.

       Postmodernism,especially in terms of its use for Cultural studies,rejects the opposition between 'high' or culture and 'low' or mass culture.It question the criteria by which certain forms assumption are projected as good taste classics permanent and universal.Postmodernism is closely aligned with Cultural studies.
           It interrogates any notion,philosophy or ideal of general, universal and overarching nature.It rejects  the claim of any  universal or totalizing theory.It celebrates plurality,heterogeneity,and the small local,innovative,marginalized and unfinished narratives that respect differences and specificities of culture,individuals and regions.Meaning is seen as differential,contingent and purely arbitrary.The process of representation seeks not to offer any insight the truth.
  In literature it collapses the distinction s between genres and convention.Postmodernism suggests that power relation structure all social truths,approaches and even conception of reality.
Postmodern condition
      Jean - Francois leotard characterizes the postmodern as a disbelief in and resistance to metanarrative and address universal condition.
The capitalist mode of production justified and naturalized itself through certain pattern of thought.The exploitative economic relations of the factory are carried over into the social realm.The economic base influence the social super future.
Ideology is sustained and reproduced through cultural forms such as art.Culture must be understood in relation to the economic condition of the age .There is a correlation between the socio economic condition and the kind of Cultural works produced.

Popular culture.
         Cultural studies looks at mass or popular culture and everyday life.
     Popular culture is the culture of masses.It is graffiti,comic,mass cinema,popular music,the open spaces of the city,sports.It is the culture of the everyday life of the larger number of people.
     For a very long time such forms of art were dismissed as 'inferior' .The term 'mass culture' was used pejoratively.The only true culture was that of the elite members of society.The culture of the wealthy minority section of the population was projected as the wealthy minority section of the population was projected as the 'standard' or 'true' culture.So academic studies would look at 'great work of art' or 'classical authors' , ignoring the fact that the greater number of people never viewed these art forms or read these classical authors.Standards of judgment and ideas of taste were framed using these elite forms as examples.Certain authors,forms and genres were given respectability as'culture' .
       What this means is the upper classes in a society legitimized certain artefacts as 'culture' .Some object- a painting by M.F.Hussain,the writing of Robindranath Tagore and William Shakespeare ,the film's of satyajit Ray -acquired an aura respectability as culture.
     In the 1950s and1960s a change in focus came about in Cultural analysis.Scholars started taking culture seriously.In 1969 the Department of culture at Bowling Green University (USA) launched the journal of popular culture.The journal carried essay on spiderman comics,rock music,amusement park, the detective film and other such forms of popular culture.It is in popular culture studies that Cultural studies finds its first movement.
        As noted in the previous section,globalization has a sustained engagement with and influence on local culture.Some critics have argued that we need to address the role of globalization through the Postcolonialism lens.Sence Postcolonialism studies is concerned,as the chapter on theories explores,the oppression of the non European raced by European ones,cultural studies in a globalized culture.That is the aware of their appropriation of global cultures,often transforming the global in their own native contexts.
        Everyday life is a site of struggle over meaning.Conflicting sources the global and the local battle for supremacy should we buy Khabar is expensive cotton fashions are more cheaply available because they are made  in South Asian sweatshops? Should we watch only arid Door darshan program when star offers a lot more you can not  watch the Indian cricket team playing a match in India because Door darshan ,prasar Bharti and other local institution have  fouled up.


Paper 6 The Victorian literature.

Name Gohil jyotiba
 Sem -2
 Roll no-13

 Topic- Character of Middle March
 Sub mitted to-Dr,Dilip Barad.
   Middle March characters

         George Eliot was an English novelist,poet,journalist,translators and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era.She wrote seven novels including Adam Bede,The mill on the floss,middle March.
Born 1819 England,united kingdom
Died 22 December 1880
Pen name George Eliot
Period Victorian
      Mary Ann Evans was born in Mandarin,England.She was the third child of Robert Evans and daughter of a local mill-owner.Many Ann's name was sometimes shortened to Marian.Her full siblings were Christiana, know as chrissey,and twin brothers who died a few days.She also had a half brother,Robert and half-sister Fanny from her father's previous marriage to Harriet poynton.Her father Robert Evans was manager of the Arbury Hall.
          The young Evans was a voracious reader and obviously intelligent Because she was not considered physically beautiful,Evans was not thought to have much chance of marriage and this coupled with her intelligence led her father to invest in an education not often afforded women.
Character of Dorothea.
          Charming and beautiful.
                              Dorothea is a young and fascinating lady who lives with her Yyounger sister Celia at Tipton Grange,near middle match,the home of Mr,Arthur Brooke,their uncle and guardian.Her physical beginning of the novel.We are told,"Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.Her hand wrist were so finely formed that she could wear sleeves not less bare of style than those in which the blessed virgin appeared to Italian painters and her profile as well as her stature and bearing seemed to again more dignity from her plain garments,which by the side of provincial fashion gave her the impressiveness of a fine situation from the Bible or from one of our elder poets in a paragraph of today's news paper
Comparison with Celia.
        Celia the simpler nature,with her perfectly normal and unconcealed wish to wear splendid jewellery,is more  objective of by contrast the more obscure character of Dorothea.It would be wrong to think of Dorothea as entirely remote from mundane concerns.She is very anxious ,once she has to agreed to marry Casaubon to get the people will housed in Lowick.
Edward Casaubon.
  Edward Casaubon is a prosperous country squire in addition to  Being a clear.At the time of the opening of the story, he is fifty years old.He means Lowick manor,his residence and the estate round it.In personal appearance he is far from handsome.He is rather ugly and his physical unpleasantness is stressed from the very beginning Celia points to his shallow complexion sunken eyes and "two white moles with hair on them "She comments, " how very ugly Mr.Casaubon is"
    He is not a scholar in the real sense but a pedant,a dried up and lifeless book worm.The first hint that he is not a genuine scholar,but a mere pedant is given to us ,as early as whole carpeted 3 .The portrait of Mr Casaubon is a sympathetic one.His futile researches into comparative mythology are viewed in the context of contemporary interest in the of this particular branch of pseudolearning and research.

Rosamond Vincy.
         Rosamond Vincy is the daughter of Walter Vincy,a prosperous business man and Mayor of Middle March.She is younger and beautiful is generally admired by the people of Middle March.She is ambitious to rise to the peerage from the crude and vulgar middle class in which she is born and she can realize her ambition only through marriage.She goes about realising her ambitions  with a pitiless determination and single mindedness.It is her ambitions .She is stupid self-centered,but she is young and fascinating and it is her physical charms that have been stressed from the very beginning.

     He is an aspiring young scientist who come to middle March which he is about 28 years old with the intention of realising his intellectual aspirations in the calm and secluded provincial society.He is an intellectual aspirations in the calm and secluded provincial society.He is an intellectual with a passion for research and scientific study.He takes to the profession is a doctor because he feels that as a doctor he can satisfy his intellectual aspirations as well as do great good to society.But Lydgate is no ideal dreamer like Casaubon.

Arthur Brook
        Broke was Dorothea and Celia's bachelor uncle.He is a bumbling man who  can never stick to an opinion,always wanting to please everyone,always wanting to please Everyone.He hires will Laidlaw to write for his paper,the pioneer.He runs for a sent in Parliament on the reform platform but he lets his own tenants live in poverty and squalor
Will Laidlaw
        Younger will Laidlaw is a cousin of Casaubon who has been his patron and has been supporting him financially.He himself gives an account of his family history to Dorothea.Later in the  novel we know more about his parentage,and that the wealthy of Bulstrode really belonged to him.He is a painter by profession and we are first introduced to him painting on the lawns of Lowick manor and Dorothea is at once interested in him.
   Laidlaw has come in for a good deal of criticism at the hand of critics.It has been said that like Stephen Guest in mill on the floss he has not been fully realised.
Mary Garth
  Mary Garth is the young daughter of Caleb Garth,plain looking but attractive all the same.She has a clever tongue and a merry sense of humour.She is loved both by Fred Vincy and Mr, farebrother who gives up his claim to her in favour of fred.

Paper 7 Gerard Generate:Structuralism and Literary criticism.

Name- Gohil jyotiba

Roll no :13

Sem: 2

Paper :7

Topic: Gerard Generate:Structuralism and literary criticism

Difference between criticism and creativity
          In Gerard Generate 's words ,'if the writer questions the universe,the critic questions literature,that is to say the universe of sign.But what was a sign for the writer becomes meaning for the critic is the object of the critical discourse and in another way what was meaning for the writer becomes a sign for the critic,as the theme and symbol of a certain literary nature.

What is structuralism? How is it applied to the study of literature?
      Structuralism .It is the offshoot of certain developments in linguistics and anthropology.Saussure's mode of the synchronic study of Language was an attempt to formulate the grammar of a language from a study of parole.Using the saussurian linguistics model,claude Levi- Strauss examined the customs and convention of some captures with a view of arriving at the grammar of those  cultured.Structuralist criticism aims criticism aims at  forming a poetics or the science of literature from a study of literary works.It takes for granted the death of the author,hence it looks upon works as self organized linguistic structures.In literary theory,structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure. Eg,a literary critic applying a structuralist literary theory might say that the authors of West side story did not write anything "really" new,because their work has the same structure as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.In both text a girl and a boy fall in love operator between them would be despite the fact that they belong to two  groups that hate each other or and conflict is resolved by their death.The versatility of structuralism is such that a literary critic could make the same claim about a story of two friendly families that arrange a marriage between their children hat each other and then the children committee suicide to escape the arranged marriage the justification is that the second  story's structure is an inversion of the first story's structure the relationship between the values of parties involved have been reversed.
        Structuralistic literary criticism argues that the novelty value of a literary text can lie only in new structure,rather than in the specifics of char development and voice in which that structure is expressed.

Gerard Generate writes at the outset in his essay Structuralism and literary criticism that methods developed for the study of one discipline as well.This is what he calls 'intellectual' bricolage.Structuralism is the name given to saussure's approach to language  as a system of relationship.Structuralism as a method is to literary criticism which is a discourse upon a discourse.That is ,it is literature written to explain literature and language used in it to the role of language in literature.
   In Genette's words,'if the written questions the universe,the critic questions literature that is to say the universe of signs.But what was a sign for the writer(the work) becomes meaning for the critic and in another way that was meaning for the writer becomes a sign for the critic,as the theme and symbol of a certain literary nature,sounds,forms words and sentences constitute the common object of the linguist and the philogist in the early Russian formalist movement to define literature as a mere dialect and to envisage it's study as an annex of general dialectology.

Application of structuralism
        Gerard Generate born 1930 is a French literary theorist associated in structuralist movement and such figures as Roland Battles.He is largely responsible into literary criticism
    An essay in method has been of importance.His major work is the multi part figures series of which narrative discourse is a section.
    Important concept in Genette's narratilogy:
   This outline of Genette's narratology is derived from narrative Discourse.An easy method.This book forms part of his multi wolume work figures I- III
They are primarily used to look at the syntax of narratives,rather than perform an interpretation of them order.Say a story is as follows;a murder occurs (event A);then the circumstances of the murder are revealed to a detective(event B) finally the murderer is caught(event c) Arranged chronologically the event run A1,B2,C3 Arranged in the text they may run B1(discovery)
     The separation between an event and its narration allows several possibilities
     An event can occur once and be narrated once( singular)
An event can occur n times an be narrated once (iterative) value of Macbeth,sleepless nights.
I used to go to the shop.
An event can occur once and be narrated n times(repetitive)
Today I went to the shop and Today he went to the shop etc.

       The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse time and narrative time,eg Duration.
'Five years passed,has a lengthy discourse time,five years,but a short narrative time(it only took a second to read).
  James Joyce's novel has a relatively short discourse time,twenty- four hours.Not many people however,could read Ulysses in twenty four hours.
     Voice is concerned with who narrates and from where for ways eg,
Where the narration is form
Inside the text
'The women in white
Out side the text
Eg,Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D' Urbervilles
Is the narrator a character in the story?
  The narrator is not character in the story  Homer's the odyrsey
Jimbo -diegetic
    The narrator is a character in the story pilgrim's progress.
  Genette's said narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspece and perspective of the narrator,and like music,narrative mood has predominant pattern.It is related to voice.
Distance of the narrator changes with narrated speech,transposed speech and reported speech.

Paper 5 The Romantic literature

Name  Jyotiba P Gohil

Sem.   02

Roll .13

Batch. 2018_20

Paper  The Romantic literature

Topic John keats's poem psyche,Autumn.

Submitted to .MkBU Department of English.

                John keats born 1795 in London.Pursued a medical career as an apprentice surgeon but gave up the practice shortly after performing his first operation in 1816.He wrote the five odes upon which his reputation is based.Ode to Psyche was second ode,ode to Psyche was first published in 1820.He died 25 years age.He written ode to Psyche in spring 1819.

*Myth of Psyche
         Psyche represents the human soul made immortal through love.In the ancient world when a man had just died,his body was often portrayed as having a butterfly fluttering above it.In Greek word Psyche means both soul and butterfly.
       The myth of Psyche presents her as a mortal king's daughter of such beauty that she caused people to forget Venus,the goddess of love.
        However,psyche was helped by the gods and by nature until such time as she reunited with Eros and forgiven by Venus,then eventually made immortal by Zeus.
           The moment that Cupid and Psyche are revealed is an example of keats in intensity.
         The narrator's ability to witness the union is unique to Keats's version of the Psyche myth because the lovers in the original story were covered in darkness.
        Part of the problem with in ode to Psyche is in the narrator's claim that Psyche was neglected since she became a goddess later than the other Greco Romandeities.

         In this poem story about Cupid and Psyche.Psyche was the most beautiful daughter of king.Cupid by accident,scratches himself,with his own dart and falls in love with Psyche.Cupid was son of Venus.When she sells hot oil from his lamp thus waking him.cupid became angry and left her and went to heaven and Psyche serve Cupid on the earth.Then Psyche immortal by Zeus and went to the poem is personified the beauty.
       The poem about The goddess Psyche.She is a urging and asking that she forgive him for singing to her own secrets.He says that while wandering through the forest that very day,he stumbled upon.
   "Two fair creatures"......Lying side by side in the grass,beneath a "whispering roof" of leaves,surrounded by flowers.
In the second stanza the speaker addresses Psyche again describing her as the youngest and most beautiful of all all the Olympic gods and goddesses.
      In the third stanza attribute this lack to Psyche's youth ,she has come into the world too late for.
        Fourth The Psyche's priest and build her a temple.

      Throughout the poem,the speaker addresses autumn as if it were a person.In the first stanza,he notes that autumn and the sun are like best friends rotting how to make fruit grow and how to ripen crops before the harvest.The ripening will lead to the dropping of seeds,which sets the stage of spring flowers and the whole process starting over again.He tells us about the bees that think summer can last forever as they buzz around the flowers.But the speaker knows better.
              The second stanza describes the period after the harvest.When autumn just hangs out around the granary where harvested grains are kept.Most of the hard work has already been done,and autumn can just take a hap in the fields,walk across Brooks or watch the making of cider.
                  In the third stanza,the speaker notes that the music of spring is a distant memory,but that Autumn's music is pretty cool,too.This music includes images of clouds and harvested Fields at sunset,gnats flying around a river,lambs bleating,crickets singing and birds whistling and twittering.

                In both its form and descriptive surface Autumn is one of the simplest of Keat's odes.There is nothing confusing or complex in Keat's poem to the season of autumn with its fruitfulness,its flowers,and the song of its swallows gathering for migration.

*Style of writing
           Like the"ode an melancholy","To Autumn" is written in a three stanza structure with a various Rhyme scheme is elven lines long as opposed to ten in "melancholy" and each is metered in a relatively precise imabic organization and Rhyme scheme, each stanza is divided roughly in to two parts.In each stanza the first part is made up of the first four lines of the stanza and second part is made up last seven line.The first part of each stanza follows or ABAB Rhyme scheme.The first stanza is arranged CDEDCCE.

Sem 2 presentation

Friday, 5 April 2019

Cultural studies and Postcolonialism

Cultural studies brings to everyday life the same tools of analysis one finds in literary study.Advertisement,popular songs,television show,journalism,gaming all can be analyzed from a variety of critical perspectives.That is the case because they are imaginative artifacts that bear meaning.They are constructed using techniques similar to those used in film and literature such as narrative,metaphor,irony,framing and composition.
        As in literature,so in culture,meaning is borne by signs.Signs function because They embody codes that are shared by Cultural communities.
        Colonialism has been an integral part of the history of numerous nation in Asia,Africa and south America.European nations controlled much of the world's resources and populations from the seventeenth century,well into the twentieth.
     Postcolonialism theory looks at the ways in which the non white races have been subject to oppression and exploration during colonial rule.It foregrounds questions of race in discussion about the west and the West's interaction (both past and present) with the east.It also looks at how the present age of globalization brings back memories of colonialism,albeit in a new frame and with never rhetoric and modes of exploltation.