What does writer by saying that something are better said in English language?
Because if we are saying in English it is not more harmful to people because they can't understand some things in English so their sentiment not broken in English . And we feel normal some satire saying in English. So it better to say in English.
1)How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The white Tiger?
In the novel Arvind Adiga represent darker side of India. In the novel corruption can be found. In the novel talking about corrupt nature of entrepreneur's drivers. How they can earn little extra cash by sell the patrol,repair the car from corrupt mechanics,sell the whisky bottles, turn master's car into a freelance taxi. Also thieves selling the car parts of foreigners. The novel represent Indian education system. In the novel shows darker and corrupt side of education system. School teachers are stolen lunch money, Teachers do nothing in the class,sales uniform of students,it shows the darker side of India. In the novel shows on the life of poor people's suffering and struggle. Balram protagonist came from poverty.
2)Do you believe that Balram's story the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?
Yes I believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'. It is realistic novel. The character like balram can be found in real world who do many wrong things to earn money. The novel ends with poetic justice by punishing Balram. In real world poetic justice not happened every time. The novel shows the reality of life.
3)List of the questions asked in the film slumdog millionaire.
1)Who was the star in the 1973 hit film xanzeer
A) Shahrukha Khan
B) Salman Khan
C)Amitabh Vachan
D)Ranbir Kapoor
Anc. C
A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?
A) The truth alone triumphs
B) Lies alone triumphs
C) Fashion alone triumphs
D)Money alone triumphs
3)In depiction of God Rama,he is famously holding what in his right hand?
A) A bow and arrow
B) A sward
C)A child
D)A flower
4)The song 'Darshan Do Ghanshyam' was written by which famous Indian poet?
A) Surdas
C)Mira Bai
5)On the American one Hundred dollar bill, there is portrait of which American statesman?
A) George Washington
B) Franklin Roosevelt
C) Benjamin Franklin
D) Abraham Lincoln
6) Who invented the revolver?
A)Samuel colt
B) Bruce Browning
C) Dan Wesson
D)James Revolver
7) Cambridge circus is in which UK city?
A) Oxford
C) Cambridge
D) London
8)Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?
A)Sachin Tendulkar
B) Ricky printing
C)Michael slater
D) Jack Hobbs
All these questions and their answers are connected with life of Jamal. He observed the things and remember it
Narrative structure
The novel an the film has almost similar structure. Both the works starts with flashback techniques.
Indian ness
Train is also shows the Indian ness in the work. In the film highly used train. It also symbol of poverty and crowd. In the novel also discrimination of train can be seen.
Corruption can found in both in the novel talking about corrupt nature of entrepreneur's drivers. How they can earn little extra cash by sell the patrol,repair car from corrupt mechanism.
Comparison with texture film and novel.
The novel and film based on darker side of India. The texture of the film and novel little differs from each other. In the novel the protagonist himself corrupt person. It himself consider as the darker side of India. In the novel shown darker side of India.
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