Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Literature review

Literature review

When I am in B.A I have no any idea about what is literature but now I almost finish my M.A I can say that what literature ? And how literature shaped me?

Literature is one kind of process. It marks on our mind because after studying M.A I think to myself I not blindly follow of some people thoughts. First we think upon some kind of subjects than after thinking some kind of process in our mind. So first literature starts to thinking.
Our mind, our thoughts are different to others so every person think differently. We produce activity through our creative mind.

What is literature?
Some people say that "Literature is Mirror to society"
Mirror shows our true image. Mirror not saying wrong. So it shows what we are. Our society is mixture of religion, festival,food habits,cloths etc so there is different types of people live in our society. So their thoughts are always different. So we do our activities according to our society if we escape to the society people are criticise us. But we are free to our thinking so society never force to follow the ideas. Literature teach that we are not sheeps we are free to work. So after almost my M.A study I come to know what is true and what is wrong.
   We faced good and bad experience through the society. But literature gave this idea to think your own self not blindly follow others thoughts.

Literature is all about different religion,culture,love,suffering,good,evil,power,success,failure,death , politics,science etc.
  After studing different novels,plays,stories,poems I come to know that Literature is all about this things. It marks on our mind we come to know what happening in the society.

How literature shaped me?
When I started my journey of English literature first I don't know what is literature but when time passes I learn that Literature make great mark on my mind. Now I am totally different from earlier life.

After studying literature I tries to know what people are thinking and now to understand the society. And I also starts critical thinking.
 Literature teach us that we are not sheeple people group. I am free to think according to my mind.
Literature show true picture of our country . After studying The white Tiger by Arvind Adiga we come to know people are doing corporation . So it shows real picture of the society.

William Shakespeare's tragedy always my favorite.
John Milton work Paradise lost great influence over my mind. In this human is at the center. Eve arguing and wants to free to do her work.
Female writer Virginia Woolf , Mary Shelly prove that her power in writing against the man power.
Coin has two sides so society has two sides good and evil. Now we can choose which side is better.

After studying Hemingway 's novel the old man and the sea. I come to know we can't feel failed in our life. We must go on . People always laugh to him but old man never care and finally he caught big judge fish Marline he was not succeed to take all parts of fish but he tried in this age. So there is no age to learn things . Doing is important rather than thinking. So this novel is my favorite one.

So, literature is the creation of new thought,ideas. Literature is a work of art our  creative mind. It gave light to our thinking. Literature give deep understanding of the life. It shows reality of life. It gave new way to thinking. So it is very useful to our life. It started to thinking to our self .

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