Sunday, 26 January 2020

Thinking activity on the Da Vinci code

In the novel Da Vinci code we can see that Jesus has relation with Mary Magdalene. Sophie is blood line of Jesus.
Sophie's character is portrayed more powerful and intelligent women character in the novel.
      Teabing's only intention is to make all humans free. He always believed that Jesus is not God and whole life tries to find secret of holy grail and prove it. So, he wants to free all human beings. So his intention also can be consider good for humanity.
This book give us different interesting story about Christianity. How Dan Brown gave more infective story in the novel. He used myth in the novel like Hindu religion. The Da Vinci code is trying to show God as human being

How this novel shaped me

_We can see that through the novel people are killed to other people to name of religion. So it shows the real picture of life. People gave more importance to religion not humanbeing. People are not understand that we all are equal.
So the protagonist of the novel Teabing wants to make all humans free.
People blindly follow the religion not gave importance to humanbeing.
This novel is very suspensive thriller type novel. Dan Brown create suspense in this novel. People are fooling by priest on the name of religion and God. It gives message that mankind should be free from this all things.
_ This novel based on the solving the code of the novel Da Vinci code. Character of Sophie also shows how intelligently involved in solve of the code. No doubt Robert Langdon also main important character to solve this code. But Dan Brown show us that women also involved in thinking activity to solve the code.
_ This is just story that Mary Magdalene' s relationship with Jesus. So it was just story to create more interest in the novel. So how Dan Brown gave more effective thought in this novel. So readers involved in the novel. How he suspense create. So I learn that how he connected his idea through out the novel. We think that it is true story . So Dan Brown gave more effective idea through the novel.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Thinking activity on the Harry Potter

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Thinking activity on Harry Potter

J.k.Rowling take many female characters in Harry Potter series. All cha are different. Some are strong , intelligent and some are soft.

Feminist reading of Harmony's character in Harry Potter

Hermione Granger is a Gryffindor student and very intelligent, beautiful girl. She uses lots of books for reading so her knowledge is very good. She is also good in magic . She knows how to converting human in another humanbeing. So know all the answers which asking in school of Hogwarts. She is friend of Harry and Ron. First she attracted to Harry but then she love Ron. She and Ron always stand with Harry to fight against Voldmort.

Hermione Granger is a Muggles blood child. She was twelve years when she first attended Hogwarts. In the part of chamber of secrets she uses her reading in book.

*Discourse on the purity of Blood

In the Harry Potter film series we can see pure blood and Muggles blood and half blood people . Pure blood are in the power they insulted Muggles blood. Pure blood means person has magical background.
Draco was pure blood he insulated Hermione as Muggle blood. He calling her 'filthy little Mud blood. Muggles are inferior. They think that Muggle is foolish. So we can also seen power on pure blood. We also seen caste based on pure blood,half blood and Mud blood.

*Confronting reality by reading fantasy

J.k. Rowling shows reality of our life in Harry Potter series like politics power,class conflict etc.

The fantasy stories seen in Harry Potter. Wizard's community is ministry of magic. Wizard world has great magical power. Fantasy books gave always some good idea it show real picture of life it also gave some moral lessons. It is similar to our life.
         Success and failure both are side of one coin. We face both into our life. Life is mixture of good and evil. Some characters are good and some are evil. In Hogwarts school some use magical power to save humanity and some characters used magic power to destroy people. Character of Harry 11 years boy lived with his cruel aunt and uncle and cousin brother Dudley. He went to Hogwart school learn magical thing through Professor. So he do many hard task with his friends Hermione and Ron. So we can see reality of life with fantasy. Harry has magic power but he face struggle then he achieved success.

*Self Help culture and Harry Potter

Harry Potter series are helping themselves with some ideologies. He was orphan boy. His uncle,aunt and his cousin brother treated very cruelly but he learns to stay strong life. So Harry struggle lote through the novel. Hermione also struggling for Muggle blood so always tries to prove that she is intelligent with her knowledge.
So Harry Potter series useful into our life. It helpful to build confidence and struggling against evil. So it gave moral lesson which useful in our life.

*The Discourse of power and politics

Power is presented by the character of Voldmort and Ministry. Voldmort wants to become powerful in the world. The power position is very big . In this position people making evil activity to harmful the society. Like Voldmort wants to become powerful in the world. He wants to ruled over the world new rules and regulations seen into the Hogwarts school.
Umbridge misusing power in the school. Under her power she punished other students. We can see good power and evil power in this film. Also seen pure blood fighting against half blood. Voldmort wants control on other people. So j .k. Rowling shows real picture of the world.

* Children literature

Harry Potter series is full of magic, fantasy,love,attraction,politics,good,evil etc. People,childrens are enjoying this Literature. Children are wants to be like Harry Potter. Children are show him as ideal hero. In this children literature there is happy ending. Good power wins evil power. It is very popular children literature. It also gave moral lesson.

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Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Sem 2 Assiment

Batch. 2018_20

Paper  The Romantic literature

Topic John keats's poem psyche,Autumn.

Submitted to .MkBU Department of English.

                John keats born 1795 in London.Pursued a medical career as an apprentice surgeon but gave up the practice shortly after performing his first operation in 1816.He wrote the five odes upon which his reputation is based.Ode to Psyche was second ode,ode to Psyche was first published in 1820.He died 25 years age.He written ode to Psyche in spring 1819.

*Myth of Psyche
         Psyche represents the human soul made immortal through love.In the ancient world when a man had just died,his body was often portrayed as having a butterfly fluttering above it.In Greek word Psyche means both soul and butterfly.
       The myth of Psyche presents her as a mortal king's daughter of such beauty that she caused people to forget Venus,the goddess of love.
        However,psyche was helped by the gods and by nature until such time as she reunited with Eros and forgiven by Venus,then eventually made immortal by Zeus.
           The moment that Cupid and Psyche are revealed is an example of keats in intensity.
         The narrator's ability to witness the union is unique to Keats's version of the Psyche myth because the lovers in the original story were covered in darkness.
        Part of the problem with in ode to Psyche is in the narrator's claim that Psyche was neglected since she became a goddess later than the other Greco Romandeities.

         In this poem story about Cupid and Psyche.Psyche was the most beautiful daughter of king.Cupid by accident,scratches himself,with his own dart and falls in love with Psyche.Cupid was son of Venus.When she sells hot oil from his lamp thus waking him.cupid became angry and left her and went to heaven and Psyche serve Cupid on the earth.Then Psyche immortal by Zeus and went to the poem is personified the beauty.
       The poem about The goddess Psyche.She is a urging and asking that she forgive him for singing to her own secrets.He says that while wandering through the forest that very day,he stumbled upon.
   "Two fair creatures"......Lying side by side in the grass,beneath a "whispering roof" of leaves,surrounded by flowers.
In the second stanza the speaker addresses Psyche again describing her as the youngest and most beautiful of all all the Olympic gods and goddesses.
      In the third stanza attribute this lack to Psyche's youth ,she has come into the world too late for.
        Fourth The Psyche's priest and build her a temple.

      Throughout the poem,the speaker addresses autumn as if it were a person.In the first stanza,he notes that autumn and the sun are like best friends rotting how to make fruit grow and how to ripen crops before the harvest.The ripening will lead to the dropping of seeds,which sets the stage of spring flowers and the whole process starting over again.He tells us about the bees that think summer can last forever as they buzz around the flowers.But the speaker knows better.
              The second stanza describes the period after the harvest.When autumn just hangs out around the granary where harvested grains are kept.Most of the hard work has already been done,and autumn can just take a hap in the fields,walk across Brooks or watch the making of cider.
                  In the third stanza,the speaker notes that the music of spring is a distant memory,but that Autumn's music is pretty cool,too.This music includes images of clouds and harvested Fields at sunset,gnats flying around a river,lambs bleating,crickets singing and birds whistling and twittering.

                In both its form and descriptive surface Autumn is one of the simplest of Keat's odes.There is nothing confusing or complex in Keat's poem to the season of autumn with its fruitfulness,its flowers,and the song of its swallows gathering for migration.

*Style of writing
           Like the"ode an melancholy","To Autumn" is written in a three stanza structure with a various Rhyme scheme is elven lines long as opposed to ten in "melancholy" and each is metered in a relatively precise imabic organization and Rhyme scheme, each stanza is divided roughly in to two parts.In each stanza the first part is made up of the first four lines of the stanza and second part is made up last seven line.The first part of each stanza follows or ABAB Rhyme scheme.The first stanza is arranged CDEDCCE.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Literature review

Literature review

When I am in B.A I have no any idea about what is literature but now I almost finish my M.A I can say that what literature ? And how literature shaped me?

Literature is one kind of process. It marks on our mind because after studying M.A I think to myself I not blindly follow of some people thoughts. First we think upon some kind of subjects than after thinking some kind of process in our mind. So first literature starts to thinking.
Our mind, our thoughts are different to others so every person think differently. We produce activity through our creative mind.

What is literature?
Some people say that "Literature is Mirror to society"
Mirror shows our true image. Mirror not saying wrong. So it shows what we are. Our society is mixture of religion, festival,food habits,cloths etc so there is different types of people live in our society. So their thoughts are always different. So we do our activities according to our society if we escape to the society people are criticise us. But we are free to our thinking so society never force to follow the ideas. Literature teach that we are not sheeps we are free to work. So after almost my M.A study I come to know what is true and what is wrong.
   We faced good and bad experience through the society. But literature gave this idea to think your own self not blindly follow others thoughts.

Literature is all about different religion,culture,love,suffering,good,evil,power,success,failure,death , politics,science etc.
  After studing different novels,plays,stories,poems I come to know that Literature is all about this things. It marks on our mind we come to know what happening in the society.

How literature shaped me?
When I started my journey of English literature first I don't know what is literature but when time passes I learn that Literature make great mark on my mind. Now I am totally different from earlier life.

After studying literature I tries to know what people are thinking and now to understand the society. And I also starts critical thinking.
 Literature teach us that we are not sheeple people group. I am free to think according to my mind.
Literature show true picture of our country . After studying The white Tiger by Arvind Adiga we come to know people are doing corporation . So it shows real picture of the society.

William Shakespeare's tragedy always my favorite.
John Milton work Paradise lost great influence over my mind. In this human is at the center. Eve arguing and wants to free to do her work.
Female writer Virginia Woolf , Mary Shelly prove that her power in writing against the man power.
Coin has two sides so society has two sides good and evil. Now we can choose which side is better.

After studying Hemingway 's novel the old man and the sea. I come to know we can't feel failed in our life. We must go on . People always laugh to him but old man never care and finally he caught big judge fish Marline he was not succeed to take all parts of fish but he tried in this age. So there is no age to learn things . Doing is important rather than thinking. So this novel is my favorite one.

So, literature is the creation of new thought,ideas. Literature is a work of art our  creative mind. It gave light to our thinking. Literature give deep understanding of the life. It shows reality of life. It gave new way to thinking. So it is very useful to our life. It started to thinking to our self .

Monday, 13 January 2020

Blog on Da Vinci code

What is suspense thriller?
It feels suspense,surprise,exitement. This type of novel gives shocked to us and we think some kind of thoughts but the reality comes to us give some surprised. This novel is best example of suspense thriller.

1)Brown states on his web site this his books are not anti Christian though he is on a constant spiritual journey himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci code is simply an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate and suggest that the book may be used as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith?
The larger part of narrative is Anti Christian because at very beginning of the novel it questions that relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The character of Sophie neveu is portrayed as anti Christian. She consider as blood line of Jesus but she don't believe that . Antagonist of the novel believe that there is not like any divine force. The church and priest  are portrayed as corrupt so novel  is based on anti Christian.

2)"Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those,some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's  core,the Grail related material the sacred feminine ,Mary Magdalene's marriage, the priory of sion,certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on How far do you agree with this.
Lucy is right on her place that in the film. Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, Mary Magdalene's marriage and her relationship with Jesus,priory of Sion and use of Davinci's art. In the film and novel all this things used for make this story more interesting. It also helping build the thriller. So everything shown in the film is not true. It used to only make film interesting.

3)If you have studied 'Genesis'(The Bible)The paradise lost(John Milton) and The Da Vinci code (Dan Brown) which of the narrative is seems to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?
I think paradise lost is more convincing to the contemporary young mind because in this human is at the center . Women questions against the God so it shows naturally. Women 's wishes never finished. She wants to free to work. In the novel Da Vinci code character of Teabing wants to free all human to blindly follow the religion it harm to mankind. So this narrative also more convincing to Yong mind. We must not follow blindly religion if it harm to other people.

4) What harm has been done to Hu MN Amity by the biblical narration or that of Milton's in the paradise lost? What sort of damage does narrative like the Da Vinci code do to humanity?
In the Da Vinci code novel religion is at the center. And to name of religion and church is harmful to people. Silas blindly followed the church and killed to people. And after he punished himself. On the name of religion priest trying to find Holy Grail and wanted to destroy it. He want do this for saving religion . Which is harmful to humanity. In the similar way in the Genesis God punished Adam and Eve . In this way no voice against God. Eve wants to live freely so it nature in human being. In this novel religion is harmful to human being. People are killed to each other to name of God and religion. It gives message to mankind to free of all this.

5)When we do traditional reading of the novel The Da Vinci code, Robert Langdon,professor of Religious symbology, Harvard university emerges protagonist and sir Leigh Teabing,a British Historian as Antagonist who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel.
Leigh Teabing consider as protagonist if we do the atheist reading of the novel. He is the true protagonist of novel. Because he thinks about Humanity not religion. Humanity is more important rather than religion. He wants to free people from the Christian religion. Because he thinks that religion not make people free. So he wants to make free all mankind. People blindly follow religion and they killed to mankind to name of religion. For him humanity is more important rather than religion.

6) Have you come across any similar book/movie, which tries to deconstruct accepted notions about Hindu religion on culture and by dismantling it,attempts to reconstruct another possible interpretation of truth?
Ans. I think Gadar ek prem katha film based on religion. Tara Singh a Sikh who falls in love with a Muslim girl. The story begins with Sikhs and Hindus being attacked by Muslim in Pakistan when trying to migrate to the India by train from Punjab Sikhs and Hindus react by killing muslims. So Hindu Muslim fight to each other and name of religion girl's family not except the boy and name of religion people killed many human being. Like Silas killed many people to name of Christianity.

Paper 3 sem 1

Topic   Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Ben Johnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'
Paper 3
Name :Gohil jyotiba .P
Roll no:51
Class:sem 1
E mail Id: jyotiba Gohil 08@
Submited to: Dr.Dilip Barad

Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Benjohnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'


John Dryden
                              John Dryden felt strongly about the relation of the poet to traditiona and the creative process and his best heroic play Aureng zebe has a prologue which denounces the use of rhyme.John Dryden (1631-1700) was an English poet,literary Critic,translator and play-wright who was made poet laureate in 1668.
                   He is seen as dominating the Literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden.Walter Scott called him"Glorious John."
 Dryden was born in the village rectory of Aldwincle near The apron in Northamptonshire,where his maternal grandfather was Rector of all saints.He was the eldest of fourteen children born to Erasmus Dryden and his wife Mary Pickering paternal grandson of sir Erasmus Dryden 1st Baronet and wife Frances Wilkes,puritan landowning gentry who supported the puritan cause and parliament.He was a second cousin once removed of John's than swift.As a boy Dryden lived in the village of Titchmarch,Northamptonshire.Dryden's poems,translations and criticism are best.

An essay on Dramatic prose.
                    Dryden is Neoclassical poet.Dryden comes after the Elizabethan age.Elizabethan age was having its free flow of imagination and romances and all that and it was by reaction that  the next  generation of poets writing satires drama inverse in the ancient sense poetry,because Aristotle uses poetry in the sencense of literature but mostly in verse because that was a convention.So these Neo classical poets were trying to get back to some different sorts of inspiration as other than that of Elizabethans.In doing so they were getting two extreme position.Some of them were becoming consenservative imitators rather blind imitators of Horace,Aristotle etc.Some of them were looking to French inspiration,the Neo classical way doing all these things.As a poet Dryden realized that he needed a kind of sanitized tested kind of way.Which justifies as against the Elizabethan's practice,justifies his current age and himself.He felt that here is a scope as a practitioner of that particular genre called drama and as an educated literate person,he needed to kind of recollect and formally kind of prepare a critical position.So dramatic poesy' means poetic art for drama.
A just and lively image of human nature representing it's prassions and humours and the changes of fortune to which it is subject for the delight and instructions of mankind.

Dryden's contribution

1)Progress and modernity.

                  Dryden has keep faith on progress and modernity.He objects to the pettiness to the Roman comic plot.He finds that Roman play lacks in moral instruction in wit,in warmth of love scene.But at the sometime he admires their plot and regularity of structure.He finds fault in ancient writers but considered them to be the best teacher of the modern.He advocate s classical restraint in Diction.
2) Comparative criticism.
                          Dryden's comparative criticism theory is proved revolutionary,before Dryden,most of the classist had been conduct to  compare modern literature with Greek and Latin because they were regarded as a perfect model for all time.According to him the critic who accused Shakespeare for his liberalization in using the no passion to delve deep in understanding of Shakespearean style.According to him they might not have noticed that
                  "Art is Dynamic not a static force."
His originality and Liberalism.
                  Dryden was genius and it is well expressed in his criticism.He influenced by Aristotle and Cicero but he disregards them if they are fantastic.He gives more important to delight then to instruction in his criticism.He says that,
                      'Dr light is the chief,it not the end of poesy'.

John Fletcher(1579-1625)

He was an English poet and play-wright,although he wrote many works alone and with several different dramatists he is best known for his collaborative with fellow play-wright Francis Beaumont.
                      The hero of Fletcher play were preoccupied with the theme of love or honor or sometime both together.Fletcher's particular technical abilities served him well in handing plot of comic intrigue and his delight.

William Shakespeare(1564-1616)
                               Dryden remarks on Shakespeare.He ceases to be a classicist and goes over to the other romantics.Dryden considers him as a"comprehensive soul".In this essay on Dramatic poesy' he says that Shakespeare he was the man who of all moderns,and perhaps Ancient poets.All the image of nature was still present to him and he drew them not laboriously but luckily when he describes any thing we can see and feel it.
Ben Johnson
                Ben Johnson was both a creative and Critical writer.He was an English play-wright and poet best known for his satiric comedy 'Everyman in his humour'.Dryden believes that he was most learned and judicious writer which any theater ever had.He was a most sever judge of himself as well as other.

Ancient plays

Modern plays
Eugenics,moderns,crites,ancients,lisideius,french drama,neander,english drama

Francis Beaumont(1584-1616)
          Beaumont retired in 1614 These collaboration had helpd to establish both men in the ranks of the best dramatists.Dryden's comment on Beaumont and Fletcher.
          Beaumont and Fletcher's collaborative efforts are characterized by ingenious plots,diversified characters and realistic dialoges.
       Comedies witty and sophisticated foreshadow the licentious comedies of the restoration.
        Limitated the conversation of gentlemen much setter whose debaucheries,quickness of wit can never be painted by others
         Their comedies were,delightful and parties were serious.
Popular works
The mild 's Tragedy 1610
A king and no king 1611
The coxcomb 1612
The captain 1613

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Cultural studies

Kalyani mam give us fruit of knowledge about cultural studies it is very useful to us.
First mam said about different culture about different people.Every people has different culture.Like we eat dal,roti,sabji ,rice in our daily rutin but in South they eat idling,dal in their rutin so every people have different culture so we are different to our clothes,religion,language,food habit from other people.Everyone mind,thoughts are different.So according to their all this things people are divided into their culture.
Mam says that How culture relates to the larger society? Political dynamics of mass media and everyday cultural practices and how culture transforms individual experience,social realities and power relations draws on social theory philosophy,history , linguistics,media and so on that's is my understanding during this session and I learn how it will be different for person.
•Cultural studies is also about political significant. Different types of culture have every human being.
•Culture studies about your experience in different countries.
Mam aso share her experience in different countries.we ware sari so it is our culture but other country like Punjab Womens ware salvar -camize so it is their culture .We travel other country we faced different culture.
There is two type of culture upper class people culture and lower class people culture . So culture studies about us.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

The white Tiger

What does writer by saying that something are better said in English language?
Because if we are saying in English it is not more harmful to people because they can't understand some things in English so their sentiment not broken in English . And we feel normal some satire saying in English. So it better to say in English.

1)How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The white Tiger?
In the novel Arvind Adiga represent darker side of India. In the novel corruption can be found. In the novel talking about corrupt nature of entrepreneur's drivers. How they can earn little extra cash by sell the patrol,repair the car from corrupt mechanics,sell the whisky bottles, turn master's car into a freelance taxi. Also thieves selling the car parts of foreigners. The novel represent Indian education system. In the novel shows darker and corrupt side of education system. School teachers are stolen lunch money, Teachers do nothing in the class,sales uniform of students,it shows the darker side of India. In the novel shows on the life of poor people's suffering and struggle. Balram protagonist came from poverty.

2)Do you believe that Balram's story the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?
Yes I believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'. It is realistic novel. The character like balram can be found in real world who do many wrong things to earn money. The novel ends with poetic justice by punishing Balram. In real world poetic justice not happened every time. The novel shows the reality of life.

3)List of the questions asked in the film slumdog millionaire.
1)Who was the star in the 1973 hit film xanzeer
A) Shahrukha Khan
B) Salman Khan
C)Amitabh Vachan
D)Ranbir Kapoor
Anc. C

A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?
A) The truth alone triumphs
B) Lies alone triumphs
C) Fashion alone triumphs
D)Money alone triumphs

3)In depiction of God Rama,he is famously holding what in his right hand?
A) A bow and arrow
B) A sward
C)A child
D)A flower

4)The song 'Darshan Do Ghanshyam' was written by which famous Indian poet?
A) Surdas
C)Mira Bai

5)On the American one Hundred dollar bill, there is portrait of which American statesman?
A) George Washington
B) Franklin Roosevelt
C) Benjamin Franklin
D) Abraham Lincoln

6) Who invented the revolver?
A)Samuel colt
B) Bruce Browning
C) Dan Wesson
D)James Revolver

7) Cambridge circus is in which UK city?
A) Oxford
C) Cambridge
D) London

8)Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?
A)Sachin Tendulkar
B) Ricky printing
C)Michael slater
D) Jack Hobbs
All these questions and their answers are connected with life of Jamal. He observed the things and remember it

Narrative structure
The novel an the film has almost similar structure. Both the works starts with flashback techniques.

Indian ness
Train is also shows the Indian ness in the work. In the film highly used train. It also symbol of poverty and crowd. In the novel also discrimination of train can be seen.
Corruption can found in both in the novel talking about corrupt nature of entrepreneur's drivers. How they can earn little extra cash by sell the patrol,repair car from corrupt mechanism.

Comparison with texture film and novel.
The novel and film based on darker side of India. The texture of the film and novel little differs from each other. In the novel the protagonist himself corrupt person. It himself consider as the darker side of  India. In the novel  shown darker side of India.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Waiting for the Barbarian

About the Author
John Maxwell Coetzee south African writer who is a novelist,essayist,translator and recipient of the nobel prize in literature 2003. He focuses on power. The second work is waiting for Barbarians. The novel was published 1980. He was born in cape Town South Africa.

About the novel
The title of the novel is borrowed from c.p.cavafy's poem with the same title 'waiting for the Barbarian' This text gives the most prominent voice to the post colonial literature.In the novel we can find unnamed empire .
The novel raises the question of conflict between civilization and Barbarians.So there is question that who is civilized  the empire or who are barbarians?
We can seen power position in the novel.

About characters
The Magistrate
There is unnamed Magistrate in the novel.He has also physical relation with blind girl.He was also part of the empire. But empire also tortured him.

Colonel Joll
He was the Antagonist of the novel.He was very cruel person of the empire. He ware sunglasses in novel. He plays the role of classical villain.He torture the native people. They tries to know who are the barbarian.

The nomad girl.
The nomad girl is one of joll's  torture victims who gets left behind after her father is killed in joll's torture chamber.Her legs were broken and her eyes were burned with molten rods. Her body is covered in scars.

-The novel's protagonist the Magistrate Joll and his third Bureau believe that the barbarians are planning a coordinated attack on the frontier regions.
-Joll sets out on an expedition in search of barbarians. He comes back with a group of Fisher people and nomads joll's prisoners are tortured. Joll tortured all native uncivilized people and tries to know that who was barbarians but native people didn't know the truth so Empire and specially Joll tortured the people in different way. Empire left this people one was blind women Magistrate takes her in to his room. He helping her by washing her feet,he washes her entire body,oil her . He has also some sexual relation with that girl.
-She finally tells him how the tortures burred out her eyes and use a two pronged fork on her body and killed her father. The Magistrate decides to take her back to her people. Through the journey he fall in love the girl. She says doesn't want to go back to the place.
- Empire beat the Magistrate in front of the crowd.
-The Magistrate remains with a few townspeople and only three soldiers. They hunker down and wait for winter. They wait for the barbarians to attack. The first snow begins to fall.
- So now tortured people by empire they are unable to live peacefull life because their scratchs remain on their body so they can't live normal life.

Central theme
Coetzee represent both type of violence physical as well as mental. Waiting for the barbarians marks a discernable Chang in Coetzee's treatment of violence in the sense that unlike in dusk lands.

We can see the themes like power in this novel. Empire ruled on the uncivilized people and killed and tortured that people.

Torture was used on the barbarians and also on the Magistrate . Colonel Joll tortured the people. So he was Antagonist of the novel. Blind women,magistrate and other native people tortured by Joll.

Comparison with other text.
Waiting for the barbarians with waiting for the Godot
In this novel waiting for the barbarians the empire tries to start fears in native people that barbarians are come and they attached on this native people. And this people are always waiting for barbarians but they never come because they don't know Who are the real barbarians. In the waiting for the Godot Vladimir and Estrogen always waiting for the Godot but Godot was never come. So main theme Existentialism is seen in both text.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Thinking activity on Northrop Frye

What is Archetypal Criticism ? What does the Archetypal  Critic do?

 Ans :
      Archetypal means "Original form". It refers to universal symbols,  theme , character, images. It repeated throughout literature. It is a term in which Frye 's archetypal criticism strictly categorise works based on their genres which determine how on archetype is to be interpreted in a text .
      Archetypal Critic would suggest that all human experience is connected through literature and this experience is expressed again and again by using the same pattern throughout time and space. There are some universal truths that we can learn by reading .

2)What is Frye trying to prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature ' and ' Criticism to Literature'.

Ans : 
     In this Frye compare the both Physics to Nature and Criticism to Literature. The Physics is deep study of Nature but it called physics not Nature  though it is based on the Nature only but it called physics.In the same manner In the literature we are not learn the literature but we learn to understand literature,  how to read and how to criticise literature so we are not Learn literature but criticise literature. So it is the criticism of literature. So Literature is equall to Nature and Physics is equall to Criticism.

3) Share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.

Ans :
   Criticism is as an organised body of knowledge. So it is progressive way of Literature. But Literature never organised it should free from it for the progress of Literature. It definitely deeply connected with the History and Philosophy both are important pillars  of Literature. The History connected with the myths and Philosophy connected with Morality and ethics. History stands for events and Philosophy is stands for idea.

Friday, 3 January 2020


1)who is the blood line of Jesus in the novel?

2) Sauniere was murdered by whom?
-Bezu face

3) Teabing was known as teacher

4)At the end of the novel Teabing was died?
5)Who was good hearted,intelligent,trust worthy person in the novel?
-Bezu face
6)When the novel published?
7)Who was main leader of priory Sion?

8) which group belongs to Bishop?
-priory of Sion
-opps day
_Jesus life line
9)Who was real teacher?
-Bank manager
10)What is the use of cryptex in early age?
_To keep money safe
_To keep weapon
_To keep liquid
-To send secret message
11)How Robert and Sophie escape from the bank?
By car
By truck
By train
By run
12)What is the secret word to open the cryptex?
13)Whom meet Sophie in the Scotland?
-Her father
-Her mother
-Her grandmother
-Her grand father
14)The member of priory of Sion duties to protect the Holy Grail
15)Who was American Symbologist?
16)Who make painting of Monalisa?
-Leonardo da Vinci
-Frank Lloyd wright
17) What message written in the key?
-Name of city
-Name of museum
-Bank 's address
-person name
18) The group of oppsday follows the Bible?