Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Paper no 12 English language teaching 1 language teaching methods in ELT

Name - Jyotiba Gohil
Sem -3
Roll no -13
Paper no- 12
Submitted  to -MKBU Department of English

Topic- English language Teaching 1 Language Teaching methods in ELT

Introduction : 

ELT is The programme combines the academic study of language and communication  with practical training in English language teaching. It is used for leaning the language it is not applicable for selected language this methods are used for learning any language . 

Method :

Method in English language teaching is the important element through which learning of language become easier. Basically it’s referring to the techniques which is used by the teachers to teach any particular language to their students. So this methods used for any language learning. Through this methods leaning becomes easy for learners. So by using this types of method learner can learn many languages. 

● Methods in ELT : 

There are many methods used in the learning of languages : 
1) The direct method 
2)  Grammar – Translation method 
3)  Audio lingual method 
4) Total physical response 
5) Communicative language teaching 

1)  The Direct method : 

The Direct method is the important method. This method is very useful for learners. Through this method learns learn to communicate in the target language. Learner can be learn second language without help of first language. It also called as a Natural method. It is a reaction against Grammar translation method. In Grammar transaction method give focus on only grammar only. Where here into this method main aim to this method is communication. It is originate in the France into 1901.
    It is often to used to teach foreign language. It was first established in France and Germany around 1900 and contract with grammar translation method. 

● Characteristics : 

 •Into this method teaching concepts and vocabulary through real life objects and other visual materials. So it connect teaching with real life objects. For example teacher told his learner to interact with people into teaching language. So learner has to interact with the people and situation.
• Into this method leaner learns grammar rules by inductive approach. 
•Into this method focuses on the question and answer pattern. 

● Definition of Direct method : 

Direct method in the teaching a language is directly established an immediate and audio visual which is associated between experience and expression, words and phrases, rules and performance through the teacher’s body and mental skill without getting help of learner’s mother tongue. 

● Aims : 

• Build a direct way into the world of the target language and making relationship between life experience and language, word and idea, thought and expression and rule and performance. So in this don’t taking help of learners mother tongue.
• Teaching learners to learn how to communicate in the target language. 
•  method should based on the assumption. Learner should experience the new experience in the same way as he or she experienced his or her mother tongue.

● Techniques of learning : 

Question  answer exercise 
Reading a loud 
Students self correction 
Conversation practice with other learners 
 Paragraph writing 

● Merits and Demerits : 

Merits :
Learner can understand English easier
Good habit of speech increase
Fluency of speech and writing skill improved
Lessons become  interesting with use of pictures
 Practical command over language 
LSRW skills improves 

 Demerits :
 Useless for average learners 
Unachievable in over crowed class 
Schools and colleges not have enough equipment 
 Teacher spend a lot time in planning and  designing the activities 

 2 ) Grammar translation method : 

 This method is focuses on the Grammar rules and regulations into language. It is a method of teaching the foreign languages. This method is drives from classical method of teaching language into Greek and Latin. In this method first learner learns grammatical rules and regulations and then they apply those rules by translating the sentences between target language and native language. 

● Aims and principle : 

Aims :
It is useful for enable learners to read and translate literature written into the source of language .
 Development of learners reading ability to a level at where they are able to read literature written into the target language. 

● Thomson and Wyatt’ s three principles : 

  • Translation interprets foreign phraseology best 
  •  Through interpretation learner able to learn target language 
  • Words compare and contrast with mother tongue so mother tongue helps in learning of second language. 

● Principles: 
Classes taught in mother Tongue
Vocabulary is taught in mother tongue in form of isolated word 
 First learn the word in mother tongue after that moving towards second language 

● Merits and Demerits : 

Increasing vocabulary. 
Save time and energy both 
Strong memory bond establish

Demerits :
 Listening and speaking skills not given importance 
Literary translation ruins the charm of the language 
Unable to think in target language 
Rare opportunity of practice speaking 
● Techniques :

Translation of passage 
Antonyms and synonymous 
Fill in the blanks 
Make sentences 
Reading Comprehensive questions 
 So by using these techniques learner can improve their target language. This all techniques make learner to learn language. 

3) Audio – Lingual method :

 This method is very much useful to teach foreign language. It is based on the behaviourist theory. This approach of learning language is similar to direct method. So like the direct method the audio Lingual method also advice that  students should be taught a languages direct without using learner’s mother tongue to explain new words to learners. 

● Principles : 

LSRW skills taught separately 
Focuses on more listening and speaking but not completely neglected writing and reading
The main feature of this method is dialogue 
Dialogue provide leaner an opportunity to practice and memorise language 
Mother tongue not given much importance as similar as  Direct method

● Techniques :

 Language taught through dialogue with useful common communication structure and vocabulary 
Repetition of phrases and sentences 
 Dialogue learned by first whole class then by smaller groups and then individual 
Reading material introduced orally 
Asked to write composition report based on the oral lessons 

● Aims :
Oral skills used systematically for communication 
Practice is central aim 
 Emphasis on oral learning 
Put stress on oral skills 
Oral skills at the centre

● Merits and Demerits : 

Merits :
Use of visual aids is effective in vocabulary teaching.
Method is just as functional and easy to execute for larger groups.
Correct pronunciation and structure given  emphasized 
Teacher-dominated method.
Mechanical method and it demand pattern practice, drilling, and memorization.
The learner is in the  directed role the learner has little control over the material studied and  the method of study.
Demerits : 
Language form is considered not meaning 
Teacher dominated method 
Learner in the passive role little control over their learning 
Equal importance not given all four skills LSRW
Mechanical method  demands pattern practice, drilling, and memorization over functional learning of languages  

4) Total physical response: 

This method is founded by James Ashar professor of physiology. This theory based on the coordination of the language and physical movement. This method is an example of the comprehension approach to language teaching. The listening and responding serves two purpose. It means of quickly recognizing meaning in the language being learned and a means of passively learning the structure of the language itself. Grammar is not taught into this method of language learning   but can be learned from the language input. This method is a valuable way to learn vocabulary. 

●  Principles : 

 Students not force to speak teacher waits until student acquired enough language to speak 
At the begging stages larger can respond teacher into native language 
Development of oral fluency is primary goal 
Lesson organised around grammar and verbs
Grammar not taught but learned by induction 
Oral and  physical response is both are  teaching techniques. It is  a philosophy of language teaching

● Techniques : 

    • Uses of props and posters 
    • Use of charts and pictures 

● Merits and Demerits : 

    Merits :
•Funny and easy technique of learning 
 •not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher.
•Good tool for learning vocabulary.
•Class size does not need to be a problem.
• No age barrier.
● Demerits :
• It is not a very creative method. Students are not given the opportunity to express their own views and thoughts in a creative way.
•It is easy to overuse TPR.
•It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method. It must be combined with other approaches.

 5 ) Communicative Language teaching: 

This  technique gives more importance to  interaction and it considering as  the ultimate goal of study.Language learners in environments utilizing communicative language teaching  techniques through they  learn and practice the target language through the interaction with one another and the teacher. So this  method is based on study of "authentic texts". So  through the use of this technique learner can be learn the language both in class and outside of class.


So these method can be very helpful to learners to enquire the language. This method is not only for English learning but these methods can be applicable into all other language learning. So by using these types of method it will be very helpful and easy way to learn the language. 

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