Monday, 12 August 2019

Colonialism and Postcolonialism

-One nation who is strong , powerful this nation establish a colony in another nation is colonialism.
-They ruled to that people.This people's aim was only thinking about their country,their nation as socially,economically.
-Colonialism is the main tenance of political,social,economic and cultural domination over  people by a foreign power for an extended by the British empire over much of North America,Africa and India is an  example of colonial domination.
-Colonialism has been the most frequent way for one group of people to dominate another.Colonialism is the maintenance of political,social,economic and cultural domination over people by a foreign power of an extended period.
-Colonialism is rule by outsider but unlike annexation, does not involve actual in corporation into the dominant people's nation.
-Relation between the colonial nation and the colonized people are similar to those between a dominant group and exploited subordinate groups.

-Those people who make us servent this condition we learn in theory and literature that called post colonialism.
Post colonialism or Postcolonialism studies is the academic study of the cultural  legacy of colonialism focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands.
Edward said was the main writer about colonialism and post colonialism.
-post colonialism encompasses a wide variety of approaches and theoretician may not always agree on a common set of colonialism examines the social and political power relationship that sustain colonialism and including the social,political and cultural narrative surrounding the colonizer and colonized.
-All things happen in colonialism which we read in post colonialism.
-Post colonialism about the changing the world the world changed by struggle that has been changed by sacrificesed.
Basic change,traditional change , Cultural change in post colonialism.
-Colonialism and imperialism are often used interchangeably.The word colonialism  can be defined as the conquest and control of the other people's land .

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