Thursday, 1 August 2019

Blog on the old man and the sea

1)Can you have mark a critical phase of your life?
Ans.We all live in the world so we always seen some happy scene and sorrow scene in the life.Because life is mixture of happiness and sorrow ness.Everybody have different kinds of problems but every experience give new learn.
         When I was studying in the school level I went a marriage function with my family.But me and my other cousin sisters sited in another room upstairs but when I went to washroom my other sister thinks that I go for attended the marriage so they locked the door to outside and they leave the room so I am alone the room and I feel some trouble situation nobody listens my voice Then I go to Window and shouted and people listen my voice and I came out.So this scene was critical phase of my life.

2)Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crises?
Ans.Yes my family always stand near with me.Whenever I am in trouble they always come and give support to me.
3) What is the importance of that person?Why?
Ans.Life is mixture of problems and solutions.If we have good and true friends,true relatives,good family we never feel alone.They suggested to chose the right way of the life.
4) What is the importance of dream of Lions in the novel?
Ans.The lions are symbol of strength,youth and happiness and hope for the old man.When he was alone and wants to strength,support he dreams of Lion in the end of the novel he dreams Lion.
5)Do you have any such scene or image you frequently like to visit?

Ans.Yes,i really like to hillstation and I wants to see snowballing.I seen snow places but I want to see snowballing.
6)What is the reason of your obsession for that scene?
            The old man wants to do something new which nobody can't do the old man was alone he has no family but the boy always take care of him he helped to Santiago.So he always think about the boy.
     Santiago wants prove himself and he thinks that nothing is impossible.Other fisherman make fun and laugh to him because he comeback with out any fish so he want to prove himself that he do impossible thing.And after many stragal he caught big Marline fish.
7) Replace the old man with yourself.How would be the approach if you fail like the old man in life?
Ans.If I am as a place of the old man I never went to alone in the sea.I think it is not possible to catch fish and reached to back his home safely with whole fish he needs to help other people.But he take this risk and he was great to succeed to killed the fish but he didn't take whole fish when he came back most of part was eaten by other fish so after many stragal he failed.

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