Paper 1 Renaissance literature.
Topic What is metaphysical poetry and Critical Analysis of John Donne's poems.
Name Gohil jyotiba P.
Roll no 51
Submitted to Dilip Barad
Metaphysical poetry
The term metaphysical poets was coined by the critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of 17th century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of contents and by greater emphasis on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their verse.These poets were not formally affiliated and few were highly regarded until 20th century attention established their importance.The poets whose describe the metaphysical poetry wrote by John Donn and his followers included in this group are George Herbert,Andrew Marvell,Henry Vaughan,Richard crashes,Thomas etc.The first definitive use of metaphysical to describe these poets was made by Dryden in 1693 in reference to John Donne and Cowley.Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but in his amorous verses where nature only should reign(stay) and effects the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy.samuel Johnson in his Life of cowley1779 applied the term more generally to a school of poets in order to make a detailed and discriminating discussion of their work.metaphysical poets use rhetorical devices as conceit,wit,paradox etc.
Metaphysical poetry seems to be the product of an intellectual effort as much as of emotion.Dryden noted that even Donne's love poetry which should be effective and emotional given to philosophyical speculations metaphysical poetries are difficult both in concept.metaphysical poets violated Elizabethan form and verse style one may note dramatic quality of this poetry.Dramatic monologues are apparently in the opening lines,eg. I wonder,by my trath,what thou and I Did,till we loved.
(Donne "The good morrow")
I struck the board,and cry'd, no more.
(George Herbert The collar)
"Had we but world enough,and time,this coyness Lady were no crime."
Donne's Love poetry.
The courting song like "Air and Angels"
The dream,
The flea,
The extasie.
Metaphysical poetry belongs to Jacobean age.All the metaphysical poets made a conscience attampt to see that the poetry differed in the style of formal poets.They did not want to follow the foot steps of Elizabethan poets.poetry would have been rejected by the readers the reason was printing facilities was available printed literature was available and so people had cultivate reading habits.
All the metaphysical poets were the degree holders,they were Maine of learning and university their learning and scholarship are reflected in their work.
As it was done by formally poets the made use of difficult worlds to exhibition.Dr.samual Johnson criticise the poetry of Donne and his followers later on with passing time the world became a word of praise for metaphysical poetry.
All metaphysical poets repainted upon the far fetched images for the poetry.They selected images which they used in the field of science,enginering,arcture,biology,agriculture,political science and many other fields.
"Death be not proud"
Death be not proud is one of the Holy sonics written by John Donne.In the present sonic Donne launched to show that death is not afraid of and death is not mighty or powerfull so no need any person to be afraid of death.some people consider death mighty or dangeres but death believe that it aims life of people but in reality they do not die.The poet draw the picture of death like sleeping or taking reast.
The poet gives here example of the best people of the world who have also die in course of time.The poet is of the opinion that death is a slave of faith,chance,king and despairate man.we die because of accident chance sometimes we die when we are given death palanty by the king.some people decided to commite suite.Death lives forever in three things things the things are position,war,seakness.The poet finds a remarkable differences between sleep clossed by death and clossed by mother charms,death sleep like heavy stroke where mother charms close to sleep very slow and mild way.
The flea.
The flea by John Donne is a best example of metaphysical poetry.Donne has here used a Biological image of the flea to deal with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by the lover to his beloved.The lover goes on expressive his love for her and she goes on rejecting the Lover to convince her by giving the example of the flea.
The poem is made of three stanzas and first stanza opens with the Lover rttemt to convince his beloved governing the example of the flea.see the flea in whose body there bloods have become one.The flea first sucked his blood and then sucked her blood and in this manner their blood have become one.The flea is happy after sucking the two bloods.The lover interprets it as there happy ness if she accept him.
The beloved is angry to listen to such this arguments she makes an attempt to kill that flea.The lover stopped her saying that.It would be not only the death of flea but also death of his life and her life.
The flea is their marriage bed and also their marriage church.The lover request her not to make her nail painted the blood .The lover request has no impact on her.If she surrounders to his love proposal it will not be a shameless he hopeful that now his beloved would be convinces.
Sweetest love I do not go.
John Donne's song with the title sweetest love I do not go is one more example of the metaphysical poetry.Though it deals with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by a lover to his beloved. The lover is very near to his death.The time has come for him to die to go away from her for ever.
The lover tries to assure that his absence from her will not for a long time.He gives the example of sun The sun which disappear last night but comes back gained today.Theire is no reason to comeback but lover has reason so he come back to her.
In the next stanza the cover things over human life and comes to concussion that mankind is very week.It mean man is passing through Happ time he can not add one hour more to his Happy time.He would fly with a greater speed to come back to her
The lover tries to convince his beloved that she should not shy and shed tears because when she does that she wastes his life.when she sign's what comes out but his soul and when she weeps what comes out is not tears but his blood.if she Love him really,she should not waste his life.
Topic What is metaphysical poetry and Critical Analysis of John Donne's poems.
Name Gohil jyotiba P.
Roll no 51
Submitted to Dilip Barad
Metaphysical poetry
The term metaphysical poets was coined by the critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of 17th century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of contents and by greater emphasis on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their verse.These poets were not formally affiliated and few were highly regarded until 20th century attention established their importance.The poets whose describe the metaphysical poetry wrote by John Donn and his followers included in this group are George Herbert,Andrew Marvell,Henry Vaughan,Richard crashes,Thomas etc.The first definitive use of metaphysical to describe these poets was made by Dryden in 1693 in reference to John Donne and Cowley.Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but in his amorous verses where nature only should reign(stay) and effects the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy.samuel Johnson in his Life of cowley1779 applied the term more generally to a school of poets in order to make a detailed and discriminating discussion of their work.metaphysical poets use rhetorical devices as conceit,wit,paradox etc.
Metaphysical poetry seems to be the product of an intellectual effort as much as of emotion.Dryden noted that even Donne's love poetry which should be effective and emotional given to philosophyical speculations metaphysical poetries are difficult both in concept.metaphysical poets violated Elizabethan form and verse style one may note dramatic quality of this poetry.Dramatic monologues are apparently in the opening lines,eg. I wonder,by my trath,what thou and I Did,till we loved.
(Donne "The good morrow")
I struck the board,and cry'd, no more.
(George Herbert The collar)
"Had we but world enough,and time,this coyness Lady were no crime."
Donne's Love poetry.
The courting song like "Air and Angels"
The dream,
The flea,
The extasie.
Metaphysical poetry belongs to Jacobean age.All the metaphysical poets made a conscience attampt to see that the poetry differed in the style of formal poets.They did not want to follow the foot steps of Elizabethan poets.poetry would have been rejected by the readers the reason was printing facilities was available printed literature was available and so people had cultivate reading habits.
All the metaphysical poets were the degree holders,they were Maine of learning and university their learning and scholarship are reflected in their work.
As it was done by formally poets the made use of difficult worlds to exhibition.Dr.samual Johnson criticise the poetry of Donne and his followers later on with passing time the world became a word of praise for metaphysical poetry.
All metaphysical poets repainted upon the far fetched images for the poetry.They selected images which they used in the field of science,enginering,arcture,biology,agriculture,political science and many other fields.
"Death be not proud"
Death be not proud is one of the Holy sonics written by John Donne.In the present sonic Donne launched to show that death is not afraid of and death is not mighty or powerfull so no need any person to be afraid of death.some people consider death mighty or dangeres but death believe that it aims life of people but in reality they do not die.The poet draw the picture of death like sleeping or taking reast.
The poet gives here example of the best people of the world who have also die in course of time.The poet is of the opinion that death is a slave of faith,chance,king and despairate man.we die because of accident chance sometimes we die when we are given death palanty by the king.some people decided to commite suite.Death lives forever in three things things the things are position,war,seakness.The poet finds a remarkable differences between sleep clossed by death and clossed by mother charms,death sleep like heavy stroke where mother charms close to sleep very slow and mild way.
The flea.
The flea by John Donne is a best example of metaphysical poetry.Donne has here used a Biological image of the flea to deal with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by the lover to his beloved.The lover goes on expressive his love for her and she goes on rejecting the Lover to convince her by giving the example of the flea.
The poem is made of three stanzas and first stanza opens with the Lover rttemt to convince his beloved governing the example of the flea.see the flea in whose body there bloods have become one.The flea first sucked his blood and then sucked her blood and in this manner their blood have become one.The flea is happy after sucking the two bloods.The lover interprets it as there happy ness if she accept him.
The beloved is angry to listen to such this arguments she makes an attempt to kill that flea.The lover stopped her saying that.It would be not only the death of flea but also death of his life and her life.
The flea is their marriage bed and also their marriage church.The lover request her not to make her nail painted the blood .The lover request has no impact on her.If she surrounders to his love proposal it will not be a shameless he hopeful that now his beloved would be convinces.
Sweetest love I do not go.
John Donne's song with the title sweetest love I do not go is one more example of the metaphysical poetry.Though it deals with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by a lover to his beloved. The lover is very near to his death.The time has come for him to die to go away from her for ever.
The lover tries to assure that his absence from her will not for a long time.He gives the example of sun The sun which disappear last night but comes back gained today.Theire is no reason to comeback but lover has reason so he come back to her.
In the next stanza the cover things over human life and comes to concussion that mankind is very week.It mean man is passing through Happ time he can not add one hour more to his Happy time.He would fly with a greater speed to come back to her
The lover tries to convince his beloved that she should not shy and shed tears because when she does that she wastes his life.when she sign's what comes out but his soul and when she weeps what comes out is not tears but his blood.if she Love him really,she should not waste his life.
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