Saturday, 18 November 2017
Post truth
Post truth
Everyone have their different point of view about Truth.We can discuss the word post truth.
Post truth is a word,it has been chosen as the word of the year in 2016 by Oxford English Dictionary.
We see in the media that how they hide the reality of people so people is live in some kind of ignorance but the real life but is not truth.
Truth is always about that exists or we can say the facts which are there.
This word "post Truth"explaind very well in the class.And there are so many examples of this word in Today's time.Some political leaders and other citizens have implied that the reason is short cloths of girls for this kind of molestation.This was repeated by most of people in India and that's why it was widely accepted also.
Thinking activity on wordsworth preface.
.what is the basic difference between the poetic creed of classicism and Romanticism.
Classical poets were followed classical masters like Plato,Aristotle,socrates but Romantics poets were followed medieval poets and writers.
Romantic writers were not believe any kind of restrictions but they believed in liberty and freedom of emotions and imagination but classical writers believe in restrictions.
. why does wordsworth says what is poet rather than who is poet?
Wordsworth focus upon the role of poet.A poet has a grater knowledge of human nature,lively sensibility,used the words quite platonic.
. Poetic Diction is a one kind of language used in poetry.It is unique style.Wordsworth used the language which is "really used by men".
.Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.
. Wordsworth's definition of poetry is realated to one of his famous poem 'Daffodils".It is in four stanzas and first three stanzas are written the past tense and last one is present he recollecting nature in the last stanza.
.Do you find any difference between Aristotle's definition of the play?
Yes,there is huge difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of the play.
Aristotle says that tragedy is an action that is serious and also having magnitude complete in itself and said about 'Catharsis'.
Dryden says that he added two words in the definition that is just and live.
.If I suppose to give my personal predilection,i would like to be on the side of modern,because ancient have followed the rules and disciplines and moderns have not only followed on imitated them but also given something new with the help of new inventions in that era like in science and changes in the social world.
.I think arguments are presented in the favor of English plays.The plots of French plays are barren while English once are copious to further the same action.
.I would like to go with poetic dialoges in the play.There are two critics who argued in terms of rhymes and blank Verde.
Aristotle task
.Yes I am agree with the Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writer.There is so many movies which should be banned according to the Plato's objection.
There is some advertisement which should be banned according to the Plato's law of objection.
.In B.A programme there is a novel Dr.jekyll and Mr.Hyde which is written by R l Stevenson that we can consider as a creative work.That's follow the Aristotlian's literary tradition.
. During B.A i studied the tragic play Othello which is written by Shakespeare .Othello himself is the protagonist of the play.The Hamartia of the play is tragic flaw in the play and there is a error of the judgement in the end of the play.
.If we conclude all things one way Plato's objection is right other way.Aristotle views are right because,now a days people want to freedom and to live creative life they do not feel for moral life.
There is some advertisement which should be banned according to the Plato's law of objection.
.In B.A programme there is a novel Dr.jekyll and Mr.Hyde which is written by R l Stevenson that we can consider as a creative work.That's follow the Aristotlian's literary tradition.
. During B.A i studied the tragic play Othello which is written by Shakespeare .Othello himself is the protagonist of the play.The Hamartia of the play is tragic flaw in the play and there is a error of the judgement in the end of the play.
.If we conclude all things one way Plato's objection is right other way.Aristotle views are right because,now a days people want to freedom and to live creative life they do not feel for moral life.
What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of " Classicism " and " Romanticism " ?
Answer : The basic difference between poetic creed of classicism and Romanticism :
• Classical writers were believed in intellectual but the Romantics writers were believed in imagination. They shift from intellect to imagination.
• Classical poets were followed classical masters like Plato , Aristotle, Socrates but Romantics poets were followed medieval poets and writers.
• Romantic writers Were not believed any kind of restrictions but they believed in liberty and Freedom of emotions and imagination but classical writers believed in restrictions.
• In Classical works city or urban life represented where as in Romantic works rustic life and country side glorious life represented.
• Classical writers were believed in objective and Romantic writers believed in subjective.
So these are the basic difference of both writers . They have different approaches for life and different way to looking work. So they are two different ideology. They different for each other in techniques of writing and subject they choose.
● Why does wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet ?
Answer : wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet because he focus upon the role of poet. A poet has a grater knowledge of human nature, lively sensibility , used the words quite platonic and comprehensive soul . Poet creates the things which is not exist in the world. He habitually creates situation and passions where they do not exist . Poet is a human being which is far better and different than ordinary people.
● What is a poetic Diction? Which poetic Diction is suggested by wordsworth in his preface?
Answer : Poetic Diction is a one kind of language used in poetry. It is unique style.wordsworth used the language which is "really used by men ". He was talking about Humbel and rustic life men .there 's emotions are genuine. So wordsworth suggested simple language which is used my men in day to day life . Specially the language of rustic people.
● What is a poetry?
Answer : wordsworth gives definition of poetry :
" Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity. "
So poetry gives happiness and it related with human emotions and recollecting nature and recollection in tranquillity.
● Discuss ' Daffodils' I wondered lonely as a cloud with reference to wordsworth poetic creed.
Answer : Wordsworth 's definition of poetry is related to one of his famous poem " Daffodils" . It is in four stanzas and first three stanzas are written the past tense and last one is in present tense. So he recollecting nature in the last stanza. It is also gives happiness which means the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. It is also recollecting the emotions in tranquillity in the last stanza. It gives happiness to poet by recollecting the nature.
Answer : The basic difference between poetic creed of classicism and Romanticism :
• Classical writers were believed in intellectual but the Romantics writers were believed in imagination. They shift from intellect to imagination.
• Classical poets were followed classical masters like Plato , Aristotle, Socrates but Romantics poets were followed medieval poets and writers.
• Romantic writers Were not believed any kind of restrictions but they believed in liberty and Freedom of emotions and imagination but classical writers believed in restrictions.
• In Classical works city or urban life represented where as in Romantic works rustic life and country side glorious life represented.
• Classical writers were believed in objective and Romantic writers believed in subjective.
So these are the basic difference of both writers . They have different approaches for life and different way to looking work. So they are two different ideology. They different for each other in techniques of writing and subject they choose.
● Why does wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet ?
Answer : wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet because he focus upon the role of poet. A poet has a grater knowledge of human nature, lively sensibility , used the words quite platonic and comprehensive soul . Poet creates the things which is not exist in the world. He habitually creates situation and passions where they do not exist . Poet is a human being which is far better and different than ordinary people.
● What is a poetic Diction? Which poetic Diction is suggested by wordsworth in his preface?
Answer : Poetic Diction is a one kind of language used in poetry. It is unique style.wordsworth used the language which is "really used by men ". He was talking about Humbel and rustic life men .there 's emotions are genuine. So wordsworth suggested simple language which is used my men in day to day life . Specially the language of rustic people.
● What is a poetry?
Answer : wordsworth gives definition of poetry :
" Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity. "
So poetry gives happiness and it related with human emotions and recollecting nature and recollection in tranquillity.
● Discuss ' Daffodils' I wondered lonely as a cloud with reference to wordsworth poetic creed.
Answer : Wordsworth 's definition of poetry is related to one of his famous poem " Daffodils" . It is in four stanzas and first three stanzas are written the past tense and last one is in present tense. So he recollecting nature in the last stanza. It is also gives happiness which means the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. It is also recollecting the emotions in tranquillity in the last stanza. It gives happiness to poet by recollecting the nature.
Monday, 13 November 2017
Paper 4 Assiment character Analysis of in 'The purpose' and in the 'The Mahabharata'
Topic Character Analysis of in 'The purpose' and in 'The Mahabharata'
Paper 4 Indian English Literature
Name Gohil jyotiba P
Roll no 51
Class sem 1
Submitted to Dr.Dilip Barad.
Character Analysis of in The purpose and in The Mahabharata.
Introduction. T.p.kailasam.
T.p.ksilasam was born 1884 Bangalore,India.He was a prominent writer of Kannada literature.He also contributed to Kannada theatre.He was also called as one and only kailasam for Kannada.He was contributed to local theatre.He was invited as chair person at Kannada sagitta samelana.He was in happy with modern use of Kannada language.He not only written buy also write poems.
His English plays.
The Brahmin's curse.
His poems.
Mother-love,The Dramatist,the lake,a monologue,the recipe,the Artist,Drona,krishna,subhadra,kaikeyee.His one of the most famous plays 'The purpose'.
Full title The purpose.
A playlet of Eklavya published in 1944.He dedicates this play he writes that
'Dedicated in all Humility to my youthful Brothers of my mother land in Happy memory of my youthful years.
Person of the play.
Sahadeva,Bheeshma's Grandchild
Eklavya A Nishaada (Non Arya) Boy.
From Acharya
Period.The Said parva of the Mahabharata.
Here he presents the same scene from the myth in a different way.The play is made of two acts.The second act starts after six years.When the plays opens we will find Guruji Dronaachary giving lessons of archery.In the very beginning we will find sahadeva learning archery from Guruji.He was just a little boy so he tried his best to lift up the bow but he the bow was bigger than the boy so he was failed to lift that bow and then the play process we will find totally different play from the myth.In the mythical Mahabharata we find Eklavya Nobel person,even the protagonist of the play.Arjuna was also Nobel person but here we will find Eklavya more Nobel than Arjuna and mythical Eklavya.It shows the skills of the writers that how skillfully and under his control his break the myth.
Critical Analysis characters
Comparison between Mythical characters and the characters in the play.
In this play the writer gives his own twist and turn so the play differed from many mythic like.
The character of Arjuna
In this play we will find Arjuna as an ambitious boy as he was in the Indian epic poem.we will find Arjuna arguing against his gurugi,and his hatred for Eklavya.Here we finds Arjuna becomes Happy and even careless whatever Eklavya with no important for him because his Guruji promised to his Thaathaajee(Bheeshma)he will make Arjuna the greatest archer in the world.He wants to satisfy his ego.He is shown as an egoist person in the play.
Mythical Arjuna was so loving and caring person that he never tried to hate anyone.Myth says that Arjuna was so Nobel person that he also regretted when Eklavya cut his right hand 's thumb give it to his Guruji.
The character of Eklavya.
In the myth it is said that Eklavya cut his right hand 's thumb because his Guruji order him to give his thumb so that he can fulfill his promise which he gave to Bheeshma.He wants to saw Arjuna as best archer in the world.In the myth it is also said that after giving his thumb he never regret.
In the play Eklavya himself cut his right hand 's thumb because Arjuna was questing Guruji so save the pride of Guruji he cut his thumb.Where as here after giving his thumb he cries a lot that for whom he sacrifices?To save his Guruji's pride he sacrifices for Arjuna indirectly.He is show more focused than Arjuna in the play.
He learn archery very well that even Guru Dronaachary when show his Archery he was amazed by his skill of learning.Guru Dronaachary never taught him how to learn archery.Eklavya develops this skill while Guruji was teaching to Arjuna.
First Eklavya was failed to recognize Guruji but then he recognize him and said that you are myGuru at that Arjuna blamed Guruji that secretly you taught that Nishaada boy the skill of archery.His aim of learning archery was Nobel one.He wants to save all those animals life who were weaker and also he wants to learn because he was living in the forest with his mother and every night the wild animals disturb their sleep sometimes he and his mother spend sleeless nights in the forest.So hid aim was Nobel to learn archery.But in anger he lost everything.His father was died while serving at a war.
Character of Dronaachary.
Like the other characters Guru Dronaachary is also different from the Mythical character of Dronaachary.
In the play Guru Dronaachary to teach archery to Eklavya because was to be long to Attain community.It shoes that how partial he was.We can also see him for conditioning the mind of the little prices.It is given in the play that once when sahadeva was failed to lift up that bow and complained about it to Guruji at that time Guru speaks this line
"Bow too big for you? But my little man you seem to forget you are a Kshatriya!Why no bow in the world is really too big for a Kshatriya not only to lift up but also to bend.
We can also see a good side of him when Eklavya came to him and asks him to teach archery at that time for a while he was regret because he wanted to learn him but because he was a Nishaada boy he can't and other reason was that if he will learn him archery then what about his promise which he give to Bheeshma.
According to mythical character of Dronaachary order Eklavya to give his right hand 's thumb as his Guru's fee.
Character of Bheeshma.
This is another character important character of the myth and of the play.We can also see differences between the myth and play.
Bheeshma is the grand father of the prices of Hastinapur.He loves Arjuna so much in the myth also and in the play also.
May be because he can see his child hood in him.
In the mythical character we will never find a minor weakness in this character,but here in the play we can see that he is now so much tiered of from his life.Mythical character of Bheeshma never said that now I want a long rest of my life(symbolically death) but here we can see him that now he is tiered by mind,by body and also by soul.Now he want a long rest(death)so he want to see his kingdom in the safe hands so.
Pressures Guruji to train the princes ad Early as possible.It is also shown in the play that once when he asked the process of learning of the prices to his Guruji,their Guruji reply that steadily and slowly at that time he becomes so angery and speaks lines,'slowly? But it must no be 'slowly' forgive me,
Guruji but the sooner they are fitted for the purpose which is no more than haze to me,the sooner shall we both earn the rest that I am tired Guruji tired of body,mind,soul.I want rest a long and final rest!'
The minor characters
It is true that Arjuna and Eklavya play a vital role in this play but there are also some other characters like Nakul,and Sahadeva.Here In the play they don't much but in the myth they play a vital because we are watching this play according to kailasam so we don't know much about these characters.
So,we can say that mythical characters and the characters presented in the play quite different from each other.As we know that kailasam is known for his static writing.
Paper 4 Indian English Literature
Name Gohil jyotiba P
Roll no 51
Class sem 1
Submitted to Dr.Dilip Barad.
Character Analysis of in The purpose and in The Mahabharata.
Introduction. T.p.kailasam.
T.p.ksilasam was born 1884 Bangalore,India.He was a prominent writer of Kannada literature.He also contributed to Kannada theatre.He was also called as one and only kailasam for Kannada.He was contributed to local theatre.He was invited as chair person at Kannada sagitta samelana.He was in happy with modern use of Kannada language.He not only written buy also write poems.
His English plays.
The Brahmin's curse.
His poems.
Mother-love,The Dramatist,the lake,a monologue,the recipe,the Artist,Drona,krishna,subhadra,kaikeyee.His one of the most famous plays 'The purpose'.
Full title The purpose.
A playlet of Eklavya published in 1944.He dedicates this play he writes that
'Dedicated in all Humility to my youthful Brothers of my mother land in Happy memory of my youthful years.
Person of the play.
Sahadeva,Bheeshma's Grandchild
Eklavya A Nishaada (Non Arya) Boy.
From Acharya
Period.The Said parva of the Mahabharata.
Here he presents the same scene from the myth in a different way.The play is made of two acts.The second act starts after six years.When the plays opens we will find Guruji Dronaachary giving lessons of archery.In the very beginning we will find sahadeva learning archery from Guruji.He was just a little boy so he tried his best to lift up the bow but he the bow was bigger than the boy so he was failed to lift that bow and then the play process we will find totally different play from the myth.In the mythical Mahabharata we find Eklavya Nobel person,even the protagonist of the play.Arjuna was also Nobel person but here we will find Eklavya more Nobel than Arjuna and mythical Eklavya.It shows the skills of the writers that how skillfully and under his control his break the myth.
Critical Analysis characters
Comparison between Mythical characters and the characters in the play.
In this play the writer gives his own twist and turn so the play differed from many mythic like.
The character of Arjuna
In this play we will find Arjuna as an ambitious boy as he was in the Indian epic poem.we will find Arjuna arguing against his gurugi,and his hatred for Eklavya.Here we finds Arjuna becomes Happy and even careless whatever Eklavya with no important for him because his Guruji promised to his Thaathaajee(Bheeshma)he will make Arjuna the greatest archer in the world.He wants to satisfy his ego.He is shown as an egoist person in the play.
Mythical Arjuna was so loving and caring person that he never tried to hate anyone.Myth says that Arjuna was so Nobel person that he also regretted when Eklavya cut his right hand 's thumb give it to his Guruji.
The character of Eklavya.
In the myth it is said that Eklavya cut his right hand 's thumb because his Guruji order him to give his thumb so that he can fulfill his promise which he gave to Bheeshma.He wants to saw Arjuna as best archer in the world.In the myth it is also said that after giving his thumb he never regret.
In the play Eklavya himself cut his right hand 's thumb because Arjuna was questing Guruji so save the pride of Guruji he cut his thumb.Where as here after giving his thumb he cries a lot that for whom he sacrifices?To save his Guruji's pride he sacrifices for Arjuna indirectly.He is show more focused than Arjuna in the play.
He learn archery very well that even Guru Dronaachary when show his Archery he was amazed by his skill of learning.Guru Dronaachary never taught him how to learn archery.Eklavya develops this skill while Guruji was teaching to Arjuna.
First Eklavya was failed to recognize Guruji but then he recognize him and said that you are myGuru at that Arjuna blamed Guruji that secretly you taught that Nishaada boy the skill of archery.His aim of learning archery was Nobel one.He wants to save all those animals life who were weaker and also he wants to learn because he was living in the forest with his mother and every night the wild animals disturb their sleep sometimes he and his mother spend sleeless nights in the forest.So hid aim was Nobel to learn archery.But in anger he lost everything.His father was died while serving at a war.
Character of Dronaachary.
Like the other characters Guru Dronaachary is also different from the Mythical character of Dronaachary.
In the play Guru Dronaachary to teach archery to Eklavya because was to be long to Attain community.It shoes that how partial he was.We can also see him for conditioning the mind of the little prices.It is given in the play that once when sahadeva was failed to lift up that bow and complained about it to Guruji at that time Guru speaks this line
"Bow too big for you? But my little man you seem to forget you are a Kshatriya!Why no bow in the world is really too big for a Kshatriya not only to lift up but also to bend.
We can also see a good side of him when Eklavya came to him and asks him to teach archery at that time for a while he was regret because he wanted to learn him but because he was a Nishaada boy he can't and other reason was that if he will learn him archery then what about his promise which he give to Bheeshma.
According to mythical character of Dronaachary order Eklavya to give his right hand 's thumb as his Guru's fee.
Character of Bheeshma.
This is another character important character of the myth and of the play.We can also see differences between the myth and play.
Bheeshma is the grand father of the prices of Hastinapur.He loves Arjuna so much in the myth also and in the play also.
May be because he can see his child hood in him.
In the mythical character we will never find a minor weakness in this character,but here in the play we can see that he is now so much tiered of from his life.Mythical character of Bheeshma never said that now I want a long rest of my life(symbolically death) but here we can see him that now he is tiered by mind,by body and also by soul.Now he want a long rest(death)so he want to see his kingdom in the safe hands so.
Pressures Guruji to train the princes ad Early as possible.It is also shown in the play that once when he asked the process of learning of the prices to his Guruji,their Guruji reply that steadily and slowly at that time he becomes so angery and speaks lines,'slowly? But it must no be 'slowly' forgive me,
Guruji but the sooner they are fitted for the purpose which is no more than haze to me,the sooner shall we both earn the rest that I am tired Guruji tired of body,mind,soul.I want rest a long and final rest!'
The minor characters
It is true that Arjuna and Eklavya play a vital role in this play but there are also some other characters like Nakul,and Sahadeva.Here In the play they don't much but in the myth they play a vital because we are watching this play according to kailasam so we don't know much about these characters.
So,we can say that mythical characters and the characters presented in the play quite different from each other.As we know that kailasam is known for his static writing.
Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Ben Johnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'.
Topic Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Ben Johnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'
Paper 3
Name :Gohil jyotiba .P
Roll no:51
Class:sem 1
E mail Id: jyotiba Gohil 08@
Submited to: Dr.Dilip Barad
Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Benjohnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'
John Dryden
John Dryden felt strongly about the relation of the poet to traditiona and the creative process and his best heroic play Aureng zebe has a prologue which denounces the use of rhyme.John Dryden (1631-1700) was an English poet,literary Critic,translator and play-wright who was made poet laureate in 1668.
He is seen as dominating the Literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden.Walter Scott called him"Glorious John."
Dryden was born in the village rectory of Aldwincle near The apron in Northamptonshire,where his maternal grandfather was Rector of all saints.He was the eldest of fourteen children born to Erasmus Dryden and his wife Mary Pickering paternal grandson of sir Erasmus Dryden 1st Baronet and wife Frances Wilkes,puritan landowning gentry who supported the puritan cause and parliament.He was a second cousin once removed of John's than swift.As a boy Dryden lived in the village of Titchmarch,Northamptonshire.Dryden's poems,translations and criticism are best.
An essay on Dramatic prose.
Dryden is Neoclassical poet.Dryden comes after the Elizabethan age.Elizabethan age was having its free flow of imagination and romances and all that and it was by reaction that the next generation of poets writing satires drama inverse in the ancient sense poetry,because Aristotle uses poetry in the sencense of literature but mostly in verse because that was a convention.So these Neo classical poets were trying to get back to some different sorts of inspiration as other than that of Elizabethans.In doing so they were getting two extreme position.Some of them were becoming consenservative imitators rather blind imitators of Horace,Aristotle etc.Some of them were looking to French inspiration,the Neo classical way doing all these things.As a poet Dryden realized that he needed a kind of sanitized tested kind of way.Which justifies as against the Elizabethan's practice,justifies his current age and himself.He felt that here is a scope as a practitioner of that particular genre called drama and as an educated literate person,he needed to kind of recollect and formally kind of prepare a critical position.So dramatic poesy' means poetic art for drama.
A just and lively image of human nature representing it's prassions and humours and the changes of fortune to which it is subject for the delight and instructions of mankind.
Dryden's contribution
1)Progress and modernity.
Dryden has keep faith on progress and modernity.He objects to the pettiness to the Roman comic plot.He finds that Roman play lacks in moral instruction in wit,in warmth of love scene.But at the sometime he admires their plot and regularity of structure.He finds fault in ancient writers but considered them to be the best teacher of the modern.He advocate s classical restraint in Diction.
2) Comparative criticism.
Dryden's comparative criticism theory is proved revolutionary,before Dryden,most of the classist had been conduct to compare modern literature with Greek and Latin because they were regarded as a perfect model for all time.According to him the critic who accused Shakespeare for his liberalization in using the no passion to delve deep in understanding of Shakespearean style.According to him they might not have noticed that
"Art is Dynamic not a static force."
His originality and Liberalism.
Dryden was genius and it is well expressed in his criticism.He influenced by Aristotle and Cicero but he disregards them if they are fantastic.He gives more important to delight then to instruction in his criticism.He says that,
'Dr light is the chief,it not the end of poesy'.
John Fletcher(1579-1625)
He was an English poet and play-wright,although he wrote many works alone and with several different dramatists he is best known for his collaborative with fellow play-wright Francis Beaumont.
The hero of Fletcher play were preoccupied with the theme of love or honor or sometime both together.Fletcher's particular technical abilities served him well in handing plot of comic intrigue and his delight.
William Shakespeare(1564-1616)
Dryden remarks on Shakespeare.He ceases to be a classicist and goes over to the other romantics.Dryden considers him as a"comprehensive soul".In this essay on Dramatic poesy' he says that Shakespeare he was the man who of all moderns,and perhaps Ancient poets.All the image of nature was still present to him and he drew them not laboriously but luckily when he describes any thing we can see and feel it.
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson was both a creative and Critical writer.He was an English play-wright and poet best known for his satiric comedy 'Everyman in his humour'.Dryden believes that he was most learned and judicious writer which any theater ever had.He was a most sever judge of himself as well as other.
Ancient plays
Modern plays
Eugenics,moderns,crites,ancients,lisideius,french drama,neander,english drama
Francis Beaumont(1584-1616)
Beaumont retired in 1614 These collaboration had helpd to establish both men in the ranks of the best dramatists.Dryden's comment on Beaumont and Fletcher.
Beaumont and Fletcher's collaborative efforts are characterized by ingenious plots,diversified characters and realistic dialoges.
Comedies witty and sophisticated foreshadow the licentious comedies of the restoration.
Limitated the conversation of gentlemen much setter whose debaucheries,quickness of wit can never be painted by others
Their comedies were,delightful and parties were serious.
Popular works
The mild 's Tragedy 1610
A king and no king 1611
The coxcomb 1612
The captain 1613
John Fletcher(1579-1625)
Paper 3
Name :Gohil jyotiba .P
Roll no:51
Class:sem 1
E mail Id: jyotiba Gohil 08@
Submited to: Dr.Dilip Barad
Dryden's comparative criticism of Shakespeare,Benjohnson,Beaumont and Fletcher in 'An essay of Dramatic poesy'
John Dryden
John Dryden felt strongly about the relation of the poet to traditiona and the creative process and his best heroic play Aureng zebe has a prologue which denounces the use of rhyme.John Dryden (1631-1700) was an English poet,literary Critic,translator and play-wright who was made poet laureate in 1668.
He is seen as dominating the Literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden.Walter Scott called him"Glorious John."
Dryden was born in the village rectory of Aldwincle near The apron in Northamptonshire,where his maternal grandfather was Rector of all saints.He was the eldest of fourteen children born to Erasmus Dryden and his wife Mary Pickering paternal grandson of sir Erasmus Dryden 1st Baronet and wife Frances Wilkes,puritan landowning gentry who supported the puritan cause and parliament.He was a second cousin once removed of John's than swift.As a boy Dryden lived in the village of Titchmarch,Northamptonshire.Dryden's poems,translations and criticism are best.
An essay on Dramatic prose.
Dryden is Neoclassical poet.Dryden comes after the Elizabethan age.Elizabethan age was having its free flow of imagination and romances and all that and it was by reaction that the next generation of poets writing satires drama inverse in the ancient sense poetry,because Aristotle uses poetry in the sencense of literature but mostly in verse because that was a convention.So these Neo classical poets were trying to get back to some different sorts of inspiration as other than that of Elizabethans.In doing so they were getting two extreme position.Some of them were becoming consenservative imitators rather blind imitators of Horace,Aristotle etc.Some of them were looking to French inspiration,the Neo classical way doing all these things.As a poet Dryden realized that he needed a kind of sanitized tested kind of way.Which justifies as against the Elizabethan's practice,justifies his current age and himself.He felt that here is a scope as a practitioner of that particular genre called drama and as an educated literate person,he needed to kind of recollect and formally kind of prepare a critical position.So dramatic poesy' means poetic art for drama.
A just and lively image of human nature representing it's prassions and humours and the changes of fortune to which it is subject for the delight and instructions of mankind.
Dryden's contribution
1)Progress and modernity.
Dryden has keep faith on progress and modernity.He objects to the pettiness to the Roman comic plot.He finds that Roman play lacks in moral instruction in wit,in warmth of love scene.But at the sometime he admires their plot and regularity of structure.He finds fault in ancient writers but considered them to be the best teacher of the modern.He advocate s classical restraint in Diction.
2) Comparative criticism.
Dryden's comparative criticism theory is proved revolutionary,before Dryden,most of the classist had been conduct to compare modern literature with Greek and Latin because they were regarded as a perfect model for all time.According to him the critic who accused Shakespeare for his liberalization in using the no passion to delve deep in understanding of Shakespearean style.According to him they might not have noticed that
"Art is Dynamic not a static force."
His originality and Liberalism.
Dryden was genius and it is well expressed in his criticism.He influenced by Aristotle and Cicero but he disregards them if they are fantastic.He gives more important to delight then to instruction in his criticism.He says that,
'Dr light is the chief,it not the end of poesy'.
John Fletcher(1579-1625)
He was an English poet and play-wright,although he wrote many works alone and with several different dramatists he is best known for his collaborative with fellow play-wright Francis Beaumont.
The hero of Fletcher play were preoccupied with the theme of love or honor or sometime both together.Fletcher's particular technical abilities served him well in handing plot of comic intrigue and his delight.
William Shakespeare(1564-1616)
Dryden remarks on Shakespeare.He ceases to be a classicist and goes over to the other romantics.Dryden considers him as a"comprehensive soul".In this essay on Dramatic poesy' he says that Shakespeare he was the man who of all moderns,and perhaps Ancient poets.All the image of nature was still present to him and he drew them not laboriously but luckily when he describes any thing we can see and feel it.
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson was both a creative and Critical writer.He was an English play-wright and poet best known for his satiric comedy 'Everyman in his humour'.Dryden believes that he was most learned and judicious writer which any theater ever had.He was a most sever judge of himself as well as other.
Ancient plays
Modern plays
Eugenics,moderns,crites,ancients,lisideius,french drama,neander,english drama
Francis Beaumont(1584-1616)
Beaumont retired in 1614 These collaboration had helpd to establish both men in the ranks of the best dramatists.Dryden's comment on Beaumont and Fletcher.
Beaumont and Fletcher's collaborative efforts are characterized by ingenious plots,diversified characters and realistic dialoges.
Comedies witty and sophisticated foreshadow the licentious comedies of the restoration.
Limitated the conversation of gentlemen much setter whose debaucheries,quickness of wit can never be painted by others
Their comedies were,delightful and parties were serious.
Popular works
The mild 's Tragedy 1610
A king and no king 1611
The coxcomb 1612
The captain 1613
John Fletcher(1579-1625)
Friday, 3 November 2017
Paper 2 Neo classical literature
Name Gohil jyotiba P
Roll no 51
Class. Sem 1
Topic Critical Analysis of she stoops to conquer as an anti sentimental comedy.
Submitted to Dr Dilip Barad
Oliver Goldsmith was an Irish novelist,playwright and poet.His plays the Good natured and she stoops to conquer are well known He born 10 November,Died 4 April 1774,(1728-1774).Born in Ireland.oliver Goldsmith one of the most popular 18 th century English writers Goldsmith was one of the greatest poets,dramatist,novelist,playwrights of his time.A graduate but with no distinction.His graduate degree though gained him a respectable position in the society.He failed to find a suitable profession in church or low.Thus he took up several menial Jobs started writing his own works 'The Deserted village,The Good Natured man and she stoops to conquer'.
There is no specific information as to when Oliver Goldsmith actually born.Hovever based on a library he born in Irish family.He study theology and law in Trinity college.He also studied medicines but with out much interest.He was buried in Temple church in london.Saveral statues dedicated to him.His great ness as a writer.A lecture theatre named Goldsmith's hall.The library named with Goldsmith.
Anti sentimental comedy
The sentimental comedy did not last long.The sentimental soon degenerated into sentimentality.This change gradually manifested it self in the advent of sensibility to replace with and immorality in the this sentimental comedy of volley cobber and Steele there was convention all morality and sentimentality in place of grossness of the restoration comedy.
In Anti sentimental comedy characters are near to real life.characters represents high upper class society and many immorality of society.
Show valgarity
In sentimental comedy they show only moral values but in Anti sentimental comedy they seem valgarity of real society.
Moral values.
In Anti sentimental comedy they put moral values in side.Then work did not give us moral lesson but created farce.These all are characters
Inistics of Anti sentimental comedy.
Dialoges are witty
In Anti sentimental comedy dialoges are witty and crate farce from there Dialoges.Dialoges are most important in any work of literature.
Reaction against sentimental comedy first done by Goldsmith.Goldsmith was pioneer of Anti sentimental comedy after Goldsmith Richard Brinsely Sheridan gave reaction against sentimental comedy.The Neo classical age was the age of comedy of manners.first of all sentimental comedy grown up.sentimental comedy means when comedy created sentiment.Anti sentimental comedy is opposite of sentimental.Anti sentimental comedy also called Laughter comedy.
Also called comedy of manners and laughing comedy.
What type of comedy is she stoops to conquer.
Here Mrs Hard castle is a contrast to her husband which provides the humour in the play's opening.she Loves to town and is only the character who is not happy at the end of the play.
Characters Analysis.
He can be called an easy going gentleman.He likes to live on his own country side.He doesn't like glamour of the cities.He has not many friends.He has little of company.His wife is completely opposite to his personality.she complains that he will not take a trip to town to give him a little Polish.His wife always studies about fashion magazines of town.
His favorite stories are those of prince Eugene and the Duke.He seems to be concerned about town follies spilling over to the country side
"I wonder why London cannot keep its own fools at home".
There is always a tussle between him and his wife over the wild ways of Tony.He being a generous father tolerates his tricks and mischief.He like his daughter very much.Kate she is kind.He allow her some necessary freedom.seems to be a innocent father,husband and a person.When he is expecting Marlowe he takes his daughter into his confidence telling her about the young man.It is a Frank talk between father and daughter.
He is not interested in politics.Hardcastle is a little intrigued by the Marlow behaves with him.Marlow and his friends Hastings talk of the menu and the bill but Hard castle does not suspects that they were at inn.Marlow no desire to hear the story of his uncle.He has no idea that his house is being treated as inn.Marlow's mistake is known to Hard castle by the time his father arrives.He is good natured as he is laughs over it He ready forgets all things.Hard castle bears his part in bringing Marlowe's affair with Kate to a happy issue.
2)Mrs Hardcastle
She is little too fond of her son Tony Lumpkin.Tony by her former husband.she spoil him already and she has to pay for it later.she thought education as a useless too for him as he got fifteen hundred a year to spend.she does not have good sense and understanding.She is selfish,greedy and fashionable like typical Cromwell female character of London.At this age also likes to be called young.she possess motherly weakness which forces her to keep her niece's fortune under her custody.
Mrs Hard castle unlike her husband is little satisfied with him.she would like to have a trip now and then to town.She complains to Hastings that her husband is old fashioned.she says
"All I can do is to enjoy London at second hand".
She wants to marry her son Tony and consentce because of jewellery in the home.But Tony Doesn't want to marry her.She makes as laugh by her faulty behavior and foolishness.
Tony. He is the symbol of the youth of this age at the same time he is certainly important and essential character for the play.without Tony we can not think of all the fun and mirth,the complication of the action and the final resolution.He is fond of law company.He is not rared properly by his mother.He is a pampered child who lakes delight in mischief making.The action of the drama has nothing if his character is removed.Tony is freedom loving person.He neither wants jaoels nor property.He just values his fortune if at all,only because it will set him free from the apron strings of his mother.He is Rustic in touch by his fashionable mother.Tony might have been made a better man of if he had been left to Mr.Hardcastle and not to his mother.Tony is not given to self interspection or we might have known him better.
Name Gohil jyotiba P
Roll no 51
Class. Sem 1
Topic Critical Analysis of she stoops to conquer as an anti sentimental comedy.
Submitted to Dr Dilip Barad
Oliver Goldsmith was an Irish novelist,playwright and poet.His plays the Good natured and she stoops to conquer are well known He born 10 November,Died 4 April 1774,(1728-1774).Born in Ireland.oliver Goldsmith one of the most popular 18 th century English writers Goldsmith was one of the greatest poets,dramatist,novelist,playwrights of his time.A graduate but with no distinction.His graduate degree though gained him a respectable position in the society.He failed to find a suitable profession in church or low.Thus he took up several menial Jobs started writing his own works 'The Deserted village,The Good Natured man and she stoops to conquer'.
There is no specific information as to when Oliver Goldsmith actually born.Hovever based on a library he born in Irish family.He study theology and law in Trinity college.He also studied medicines but with out much interest.He was buried in Temple church in london.Saveral statues dedicated to him.His great ness as a writer.A lecture theatre named Goldsmith's hall.The library named with Goldsmith.
Anti sentimental comedy
The sentimental comedy did not last long.The sentimental soon degenerated into sentimentality.This change gradually manifested it self in the advent of sensibility to replace with and immorality in the this sentimental comedy of volley cobber and Steele there was convention all morality and sentimentality in place of grossness of the restoration comedy.
In Anti sentimental comedy characters are near to real life.characters represents high upper class society and many immorality of society.
Show valgarity
In sentimental comedy they show only moral values but in Anti sentimental comedy they seem valgarity of real society.
Moral values.
In Anti sentimental comedy they put moral values in side.Then work did not give us moral lesson but created farce.These all are characters
Inistics of Anti sentimental comedy.
Dialoges are witty
In Anti sentimental comedy dialoges are witty and crate farce from there Dialoges.Dialoges are most important in any work of literature.
Reaction against sentimental comedy first done by Goldsmith.Goldsmith was pioneer of Anti sentimental comedy after Goldsmith Richard Brinsely Sheridan gave reaction against sentimental comedy.The Neo classical age was the age of comedy of manners.first of all sentimental comedy grown up.sentimental comedy means when comedy created sentiment.Anti sentimental comedy is opposite of sentimental.Anti sentimental comedy also called Laughter comedy.
Also called comedy of manners and laughing comedy.
What type of comedy is she stoops to conquer.
Here Mrs Hard castle is a contrast to her husband which provides the humour in the play's opening.she Loves to town and is only the character who is not happy at the end of the play.
Characters Analysis.
He can be called an easy going gentleman.He likes to live on his own country side.He doesn't like glamour of the cities.He has not many friends.He has little of company.His wife is completely opposite to his personality.she complains that he will not take a trip to town to give him a little Polish.His wife always studies about fashion magazines of town.
His favorite stories are those of prince Eugene and the Duke.He seems to be concerned about town follies spilling over to the country side
"I wonder why London cannot keep its own fools at home".
There is always a tussle between him and his wife over the wild ways of Tony.He being a generous father tolerates his tricks and mischief.He like his daughter very much.Kate she is kind.He allow her some necessary freedom.seems to be a innocent father,husband and a person.When he is expecting Marlowe he takes his daughter into his confidence telling her about the young man.It is a Frank talk between father and daughter.
He is not interested in politics.Hardcastle is a little intrigued by the Marlow behaves with him.Marlow and his friends Hastings talk of the menu and the bill but Hard castle does not suspects that they were at inn.Marlow no desire to hear the story of his uncle.He has no idea that his house is being treated as inn.Marlow's mistake is known to Hard castle by the time his father arrives.He is good natured as he is laughs over it He ready forgets all things.Hard castle bears his part in bringing Marlowe's affair with Kate to a happy issue.
2)Mrs Hardcastle
She is little too fond of her son Tony Lumpkin.Tony by her former husband.she spoil him already and she has to pay for it later.she thought education as a useless too for him as he got fifteen hundred a year to spend.she does not have good sense and understanding.She is selfish,greedy and fashionable like typical Cromwell female character of London.At this age also likes to be called young.she possess motherly weakness which forces her to keep her niece's fortune under her custody.
Mrs Hard castle unlike her husband is little satisfied with him.she would like to have a trip now and then to town.She complains to Hastings that her husband is old fashioned.she says
"All I can do is to enjoy London at second hand".
She wants to marry her son Tony and consentce because of jewellery in the home.But Tony Doesn't want to marry her.She makes as laugh by her faulty behavior and foolishness.
Tony. He is the symbol of the youth of this age at the same time he is certainly important and essential character for the play.without Tony we can not think of all the fun and mirth,the complication of the action and the final resolution.He is fond of law company.He is not rared properly by his mother.He is a pampered child who lakes delight in mischief making.The action of the drama has nothing if his character is removed.Tony is freedom loving person.He neither wants jaoels nor property.He just values his fortune if at all,only because it will set him free from the apron strings of his mother.He is Rustic in touch by his fashionable mother.Tony might have been made a better man of if he had been left to Mr.Hardcastle and not to his mother.Tony is not given to self interspection or we might have known him better.
Miss Hardcastle. she is an obedient daughter.She never misuses her liberty.There is a good understanding between her and her father.She is a good judge of a character.She can be called a virtuous lady who does not allow Marlow to kiss her.When she meets Marlow she decides to try on him.She deceived Marlow her suit by disguise of a barmaid in order to know his real personality.She success in doing so.He falls in love with her simplicity and beauty.Her acute observation make s her describe Marlow correctly to her father.She is clever,intelligent and sarcastic at the same time.Miss Hardcastle reforms Marlow she transforms him from timid,stuttering lover into a passionate and bold enough to confess his love for her in front of others.She made him respect her virtue.She had such a loving nature .
Paper 1 Renaissance literature.
Topic What is metaphysical poetry and Critical Analysis of John Donne's poems.
Name Gohil jyotiba P.
Roll no 51
Submitted to Dilip Barad
Metaphysical poetry
The term metaphysical poets was coined by the critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of 17th century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of contents and by greater emphasis on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their verse.These poets were not formally affiliated and few were highly regarded until 20th century attention established their importance.The poets whose describe the metaphysical poetry wrote by John Donn and his followers included in this group are George Herbert,Andrew Marvell,Henry Vaughan,Richard crashes,Thomas etc.The first definitive use of metaphysical to describe these poets was made by Dryden in 1693 in reference to John Donne and Cowley.Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but in his amorous verses where nature only should reign(stay) and effects the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy.samuel Johnson in his Life of cowley1779 applied the term more generally to a school of poets in order to make a detailed and discriminating discussion of their work.metaphysical poets use rhetorical devices as conceit,wit,paradox etc.
Metaphysical poetry seems to be the product of an intellectual effort as much as of emotion.Dryden noted that even Donne's love poetry which should be effective and emotional given to philosophyical speculations metaphysical poetries are difficult both in concept.metaphysical poets violated Elizabethan form and verse style one may note dramatic quality of this poetry.Dramatic monologues are apparently in the opening lines,eg. I wonder,by my trath,what thou and I Did,till we loved.
(Donne "The good morrow")
I struck the board,and cry'd, no more.
(George Herbert The collar)
"Had we but world enough,and time,this coyness Lady were no crime."
Donne's Love poetry.
The courting song like "Air and Angels"
The dream,
The flea,
The extasie.
Metaphysical poetry belongs to Jacobean age.All the metaphysical poets made a conscience attampt to see that the poetry differed in the style of formal poets.They did not want to follow the foot steps of Elizabethan poets.poetry would have been rejected by the readers the reason was printing facilities was available printed literature was available and so people had cultivate reading habits.
All the metaphysical poets were the degree holders,they were Maine of learning and university their learning and scholarship are reflected in their work.
As it was done by formally poets the made use of difficult worlds to exhibition.Dr.samual Johnson criticise the poetry of Donne and his followers later on with passing time the world became a word of praise for metaphysical poetry.
All metaphysical poets repainted upon the far fetched images for the poetry.They selected images which they used in the field of science,enginering,arcture,biology,agriculture,political science and many other fields.
"Death be not proud"
Death be not proud is one of the Holy sonics written by John Donne.In the present sonic Donne launched to show that death is not afraid of and death is not mighty or powerfull so no need any person to be afraid of death.some people consider death mighty or dangeres but death believe that it aims life of people but in reality they do not die.The poet draw the picture of death like sleeping or taking reast.
The poet gives here example of the best people of the world who have also die in course of time.The poet is of the opinion that death is a slave of faith,chance,king and despairate man.we die because of accident chance sometimes we die when we are given death palanty by the king.some people decided to commite suite.Death lives forever in three things things the things are position,war,seakness.The poet finds a remarkable differences between sleep clossed by death and clossed by mother charms,death sleep like heavy stroke where mother charms close to sleep very slow and mild way.
The flea.
The flea by John Donne is a best example of metaphysical poetry.Donne has here used a Biological image of the flea to deal with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by the lover to his beloved.The lover goes on expressive his love for her and she goes on rejecting the Lover to convince her by giving the example of the flea.
The poem is made of three stanzas and first stanza opens with the Lover rttemt to convince his beloved governing the example of the flea.see the flea in whose body there bloods have become one.The flea first sucked his blood and then sucked her blood and in this manner their blood have become one.The flea is happy after sucking the two bloods.The lover interprets it as there happy ness if she accept him.
The beloved is angry to listen to such this arguments she makes an attempt to kill that flea.The lover stopped her saying that.It would be not only the death of flea but also death of his life and her life.
The flea is their marriage bed and also their marriage church.The lover request her not to make her nail painted the blood .The lover request has no impact on her.If she surrounders to his love proposal it will not be a shameless he hopeful that now his beloved would be convinces.
Sweetest love I do not go.
John Donne's song with the title sweetest love I do not go is one more example of the metaphysical poetry.Though it deals with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by a lover to his beloved. The lover is very near to his death.The time has come for him to die to go away from her for ever.
The lover tries to assure that his absence from her will not for a long time.He gives the example of sun The sun which disappear last night but comes back gained today.Theire is no reason to comeback but lover has reason so he come back to her.
In the next stanza the cover things over human life and comes to concussion that mankind is very week.It mean man is passing through Happ time he can not add one hour more to his Happy time.He would fly with a greater speed to come back to her
The lover tries to convince his beloved that she should not shy and shed tears because when she does that she wastes his life.when she sign's what comes out but his soul and when she weeps what comes out is not tears but his blood.if she Love him really,she should not waste his life.
Topic What is metaphysical poetry and Critical Analysis of John Donne's poems.
Name Gohil jyotiba P.
Roll no 51
Submitted to Dilip Barad
Metaphysical poetry
The term metaphysical poets was coined by the critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of 17th century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of contents and by greater emphasis on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their verse.These poets were not formally affiliated and few were highly regarded until 20th century attention established their importance.The poets whose describe the metaphysical poetry wrote by John Donn and his followers included in this group are George Herbert,Andrew Marvell,Henry Vaughan,Richard crashes,Thomas etc.The first definitive use of metaphysical to describe these poets was made by Dryden in 1693 in reference to John Donne and Cowley.Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but in his amorous verses where nature only should reign(stay) and effects the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy.samuel Johnson in his Life of cowley1779 applied the term more generally to a school of poets in order to make a detailed and discriminating discussion of their work.metaphysical poets use rhetorical devices as conceit,wit,paradox etc.
Metaphysical poetry seems to be the product of an intellectual effort as much as of emotion.Dryden noted that even Donne's love poetry which should be effective and emotional given to philosophyical speculations metaphysical poetries are difficult both in concept.metaphysical poets violated Elizabethan form and verse style one may note dramatic quality of this poetry.Dramatic monologues are apparently in the opening lines,eg. I wonder,by my trath,what thou and I Did,till we loved.
(Donne "The good morrow")
I struck the board,and cry'd, no more.
(George Herbert The collar)
"Had we but world enough,and time,this coyness Lady were no crime."
Donne's Love poetry.
The courting song like "Air and Angels"
The dream,
The flea,
The extasie.
Metaphysical poetry belongs to Jacobean age.All the metaphysical poets made a conscience attampt to see that the poetry differed in the style of formal poets.They did not want to follow the foot steps of Elizabethan poets.poetry would have been rejected by the readers the reason was printing facilities was available printed literature was available and so people had cultivate reading habits.
All the metaphysical poets were the degree holders,they were Maine of learning and university their learning and scholarship are reflected in their work.
As it was done by formally poets the made use of difficult worlds to exhibition.Dr.samual Johnson criticise the poetry of Donne and his followers later on with passing time the world became a word of praise for metaphysical poetry.
All metaphysical poets repainted upon the far fetched images for the poetry.They selected images which they used in the field of science,enginering,arcture,biology,agriculture,political science and many other fields.
"Death be not proud"
Death be not proud is one of the Holy sonics written by John Donne.In the present sonic Donne launched to show that death is not afraid of and death is not mighty or powerfull so no need any person to be afraid of death.some people consider death mighty or dangeres but death believe that it aims life of people but in reality they do not die.The poet draw the picture of death like sleeping or taking reast.
The poet gives here example of the best people of the world who have also die in course of time.The poet is of the opinion that death is a slave of faith,chance,king and despairate man.we die because of accident chance sometimes we die when we are given death palanty by the king.some people decided to commite suite.Death lives forever in three things things the things are position,war,seakness.The poet finds a remarkable differences between sleep clossed by death and clossed by mother charms,death sleep like heavy stroke where mother charms close to sleep very slow and mild way.
The flea.
The flea by John Donne is a best example of metaphysical poetry.Donne has here used a Biological image of the flea to deal with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by the lover to his beloved.The lover goes on expressive his love for her and she goes on rejecting the Lover to convince her by giving the example of the flea.
The poem is made of three stanzas and first stanza opens with the Lover rttemt to convince his beloved governing the example of the flea.see the flea in whose body there bloods have become one.The flea first sucked his blood and then sucked her blood and in this manner their blood have become one.The flea is happy after sucking the two bloods.The lover interprets it as there happy ness if she accept him.
The beloved is angry to listen to such this arguments she makes an attempt to kill that flea.The lover stopped her saying that.It would be not only the death of flea but also death of his life and her life.
The flea is their marriage bed and also their marriage church.The lover request her not to make her nail painted the blood .The lover request has no impact on her.If she surrounders to his love proposal it will not be a shameless he hopeful that now his beloved would be convinces.
Sweetest love I do not go.
John Donne's song with the title sweetest love I do not go is one more example of the metaphysical poetry.Though it deals with the theme of love.The poem is addressed by a lover to his beloved. The lover is very near to his death.The time has come for him to die to go away from her for ever.
The lover tries to assure that his absence from her will not for a long time.He gives the example of sun The sun which disappear last night but comes back gained today.Theire is no reason to comeback but lover has reason so he come back to her.
In the next stanza the cover things over human life and comes to concussion that mankind is very week.It mean man is passing through Happ time he can not add one hour more to his Happy time.He would fly with a greater speed to come back to her
The lover tries to convince his beloved that she should not shy and shed tears because when she does that she wastes his life.when she sign's what comes out but his soul and when she weeps what comes out is not tears but his blood.if she Love him really,she should not waste his life.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Coleridge Biography literature Task
1) Write in your words the difference be
Between poem and prose.
In the poem rhyming,simbols,metaphor are using.
But in prose meter,rhyme are not using in prose.
According to Coleridge poem is gives pleasure poem is arrange mentioned of words of meaning and musical elements.The poem contains the same elements as prose composition but differences are the combination of those elements and objects.
Poem is expressing some artistic prose has elements of truth and poem has pleasure.prose has simple structure and simple subject Matter so prose followed only truth when poem is artistic,sentimental,emotional of port's thought.
Poem is written in rhymes,rhydham and imagination.prose is written in ordinary form.
In the poem poet creates his feelings,emotion.
In the prose written and spoken language in ordinary form without metrical structure.prose has simple writing style it looks like artificial argument of rhymes,words.But poetry is full of knowledge.
2)Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.
Poetry men's to create or to make and poetry is the art of creating a poem.
Poetry written on combination with other arts like poetic drama.poetry uses meter and rhyme it is very useful to writing poetry.In the poem imagination is useful to write the poem.
In the poem uses port's thought,emotion,feeling in the form of happy or sadness rhyming tones.symbols are used.poetry written on literary art in language.
Between poem and prose.
In the poem rhyming,simbols,metaphor are using.
But in prose meter,rhyme are not using in prose.
According to Coleridge poem is gives pleasure poem is arrange mentioned of words of meaning and musical elements.The poem contains the same elements as prose composition but differences are the combination of those elements and objects.
Poem is expressing some artistic prose has elements of truth and poem has pleasure.prose has simple structure and simple subject Matter so prose followed only truth when poem is artistic,sentimental,emotional of port's thought.
Poem is written in rhymes,rhydham and imagination.prose is written in ordinary form.
In the poem poet creates his feelings,emotion.
In the prose written and spoken language in ordinary form without metrical structure.prose has simple writing style it looks like artificial argument of rhymes,words.But poetry is full of knowledge.
2)Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.
Poetry men's to create or to make and poetry is the art of creating a poem.
Poetry written on combination with other arts like poetic drama.poetry uses meter and rhyme it is very useful to writing poetry.In the poem imagination is useful to write the poem.
In the poem uses port's thought,emotion,feeling in the form of happy or sadness rhyming tones.symbols are used.poetry written on literary art in language.
Monday, 11 September 2017
'Dr Faustus's by Christopher Marlowe.
1)The play directed by Mathew Dumpster for Globe theater ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer)what does it signify?
Ans.In the last scene of the play directed by Mathew Dumpster for Global theatre it signifies that when Lucifer taking the soul of Dr Faustus he becomes more power ful.we can find large wings of Lucifer.It also signifies that Evil wings against to the God.In the end we see that Lucifer successful to take the soul of Dr.faustus it shows his Evil power,victory against the God.In the end Dr.faustus did not want to go to hell.He wants his soul save from devilish world that is hell.But his own decisions led him to fall in hell.
2)Is God present in the play?if yes ,where and how?If no why?
And. In the play directly God is not present but indirectly God is present.We can see God is present in the form of Good Angles,old man,good friends.God is present mentally of Dr Faustus.There characters are always tell him not give his soul to with this character God is present and continually says that not give the soul to Mephistopheles's but in the end he fall down.
3) What reading and interpretation can be given this image(see the image of Daedalus and lcarus)with the reference to central theme of the play'Dr Faustus'?
Ans.In this scene this image of two Greek Mythological characters Daedalus and lcarus.In this Daedalus was the father of lcarus.
Lcarus wants to fly in the sty his father Daedalus makes waxen wings for his son.But he gives warns him don't fly near sun other wise his wings are melt.But lcarus ignores his father warning and he fall into the he is responsible for his own fall and do not listen the warning of his father.In the same way in the play good angel,old man,good friend continually warns to Dr.Faustus but he don't listen he also don't listen his unit voice and ignores all this things.And in the end when his death comes near he wanted to repent but it was too in the end his tragic end.This way lcarus ignore all things and Dr.Faustus also ignores good things and leads towards his tragic end.
So this things are same in the image and in the play 'Dr Faustus'.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017
1) How faith fully is the movie to the original play?
Hamlet the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh is very faithful to original play.some differences between the play and movie.In the movie dialogues,characters,expression this things are good.In the original play some situations is missing.The characters of Hamlet and Ophelia show to us very live in the movie.
2)After watching the movie have your perception about play,characters or situations changed?
Kenneth Branagh well directed the movie Hamlet.In the movie characters expression,situations,victorian life of characters,dialoges all are good in the play.
3)Do you feel 'aesthetic delight's while watching the movie?If yes,exactly when did it happen?if no,can you explain with reasons?
Yes,i feel 'aesthetic delight in the movie Hamlet.Love of Hamlet and Ophelia is remarkable.
4)Do you feel 'Catharsis' while or after watching movie?If yes,exactly when did it happen?if no, can you explain with reasons?
Yes,i feel'Catharsis' after watching movie.When Ophelia becomes mad no one can understand to her situation.she wants to support of her husband but at that time Hamlet was not the.she become mad and needs love of Hamlet but he was no there so does This way love of Ophelia and Hamlet tragic end.
5)Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
Yes,screening of movie help me in better understanding of the play.Because when we watch the movie it's very clear to understanding about characters,expression,dialogues,situation.When we read the play it's some limitations to our thinking.
6) was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish life time?
Yes,when the movie goes on in the end when Ophelia become mad.she needs love of Hamlet but at that time she is alone.Hamlet was not care to Ophelia.And she dies at that time.
7)If you are director,what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeares's Hamlet?
It's no need to change the movie because he directed the movie so good and very well.The expression of the characters and dialogues,lighting all things are set up very well.I want to Ophelia's character becomes very strong to her love for Hamlet.
8)In the beginning of the movie camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side of the Elsinore castle.The movie ends with the similar sequence where in the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust.what sort of the symbolism do you read in this?
In the movie statue of Hamlet was at the centre.without him tragedy could not happened.He was responsible of all things.In the end fall of statue signifies end of his rules on Denmark.
9)While studying the play through movie which approach do you find more applicable to the play?Why?Give reasons with illustrations.
While studying the play through movie I find psychological approach.ophelia become alone and mad Hamlet was not take care to her.He not understand to her and behaved rudely with her.we can also find Hamlet's hatred mother.
10) Which of the Above mentioned approach rs appeals you more then other?why?Give the reasons.
In this play more approaches are appeals.psychological approach more than other.Hamlet dislike his mother Ophelia feeling depressed.
Hamlet the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh is very faithful to original play.some differences between the play and movie.In the movie dialogues,characters,expression this things are good.In the original play some situations is missing.The characters of Hamlet and Ophelia show to us very live in the movie.
2)After watching the movie have your perception about play,characters or situations changed?
Kenneth Branagh well directed the movie Hamlet.In the movie characters expression,situations,victorian life of characters,dialoges all are good in the play.
3)Do you feel 'aesthetic delight's while watching the movie?If yes,exactly when did it happen?if no,can you explain with reasons?
Yes,i feel 'aesthetic delight in the movie Hamlet.Love of Hamlet and Ophelia is remarkable.
4)Do you feel 'Catharsis' while or after watching movie?If yes,exactly when did it happen?if no, can you explain with reasons?
Yes,i feel'Catharsis' after watching movie.When Ophelia becomes mad no one can understand to her situation.she wants to support of her husband but at that time Hamlet was not the.she become mad and needs love of Hamlet but he was no there so does This way love of Ophelia and Hamlet tragic end.
5)Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
Yes,screening of movie help me in better understanding of the play.Because when we watch the movie it's very clear to understanding about characters,expression,dialogues,situation.When we read the play it's some limitations to our thinking.
6) was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish life time?
Yes,when the movie goes on in the end when Ophelia become mad.she needs love of Hamlet but at that time she is alone.Hamlet was not care to Ophelia.And she dies at that time.
7)If you are director,what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeares's Hamlet?
It's no need to change the movie because he directed the movie so good and very well.The expression of the characters and dialogues,lighting all things are set up very well.I want to Ophelia's character becomes very strong to her love for Hamlet.
8)In the beginning of the movie camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side of the Elsinore castle.The movie ends with the similar sequence where in the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust.what sort of the symbolism do you read in this?
In the movie statue of Hamlet was at the centre.without him tragedy could not happened.He was responsible of all things.In the end fall of statue signifies end of his rules on Denmark.
9)While studying the play through movie which approach do you find more applicable to the play?Why?Give reasons with illustrations.
While studying the play through movie I find psychological approach.ophelia become alone and mad Hamlet was not take care to her.He not understand to her and behaved rudely with her.we can also find Hamlet's hatred mother.
10) Which of the Above mentioned approach rs appeals you more then other?why?Give the reasons.
In this play more approaches are appeals.psychological approach more than other.Hamlet dislike his mother Ophelia feeling depressed.
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Pehredaar piya ki
This story is about 18 years old girl and 9 years old boy.In this story the boy whose named was Ratnsa married with Diya she ls 18 years old.This types of marriage. gives wrong inspiration to our society.Boy Ratnsa how can he gives protection and gives happiness to girl.Ratnsa's family not accepted this matter.Because of some reason Diya Marry to him.she wants to give protection to Ratnsa and take care to she Marry with him.marrege is only way to live with him and protect to him.
Friday, 25 August 2017
Review of the play "DIGDARSHAK"
On 8 August our English Department organized play of 'Digdarshak'.It I'd written by pritam Janice and directed by Rishi Kaveri.
In this play there are three characters.In this story conflict between theatre and cinema.T he director show an importance of theater and film and also show us how to work in theatre and film.Director is the character in father and Vijay is the character in son.This story is very senseful.Main them of this play is that how one man can manage the situation between family and theater.Actor said that he fail to balance in the situation between family and theater.In this play director sacrifices his family life for the theatre.when son celebrate his birthday with his father his father gives more importance to theatre and he don't celebrated his son's this thing's hates.Theme of the play cinema vs theatre.
In this play there are three characters.In this story conflict between theatre and cinema.T he director show an importance of theater and film and also show us how to work in theatre and film.Director is the character in father and Vijay is the character in son.This story is very senseful.Main them of this play is that how one man can manage the situation between family and theater.Actor said that he fail to balance in the situation between family and theater.In this play director sacrifices his family life for the theatre.when son celebrate his birthday with his father his father gives more importance to theatre and he don't celebrated his son's this thing's hates.Theme of the play cinema vs theatre.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
My self
My name is Gohil jyotiba P
I completed my graduation
ln Bhavnagar university.I join m.a Department of english in maharaja krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university.I believes ln "lf you wants some achievement you can do it and achieve success."My hobbies are painting,cocking,teaching.
Thanks .
I completed my graduation
ln Bhavnagar university.I join m.a Department of english in maharaja krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university.I believes ln "lf you wants some achievement you can do it and achieve success."My hobbies are painting,cocking,teaching.
Thanks .
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