Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Expert lectures on ELT

Expert lecture on ELT .

Our department of English organized expert lecture on ELT by Atanu Bhattacharya. He gave more knowledge about ELT which is very useful us.
      He talk about History of English language teaching.
Sir talk about different methods in ELT.
1)Natural method
2) Grammar Translation method
3)Audio lingual Method.
Natural method

This method is similar to traditional method . Teacher is at the center. But it is not useful to all Skil.

Grammar Translation method
Focuses on sentence structure,grammar,vocabulary and direct translations of the native language to English.

Audio Lingual Method
The Audio lingual Method is used to improve communicative competence in learners. It is most effective to learn language through different skill.

Does language create reality.
Language create true reality and wrong reality.
In Renaissance nation is important. Many language are create at that time.
Linguistic special displine eg, mater (Latin word)
Language learning is communication process.

Creative comprehension
(Unconcience learning)
Eg child says I want.
Mother speaks name of objects like biskit , chocolate and child learn through mother speak .

Communicative language is very popular. Children is born with universal grammar.

Testing,evaluation , Assessment are three types of testing the language.
Six level of Language
A1,A2 beginner Level
B1,B2 intermediate
C1,C2 expert level

Achievement test
Progress monitor test also
CCE weekly exam CBSC
Diagnostic test
Find out the straingh

- Norm reference
It is not about ability but it is based on marksheet first ,second
Global - good, excellent type of test

- Reliability test
It is based on syllabus
- Rubric
Evaluation about rubric.
So it is very useful to us the expert lecture.

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