Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Education and Technology

Technology becomes the very important part of human life in 21 century. We can see it is everywhere and through Technology our Education became very easy to getting the point. Technology in education system provides new great opportunity for learning. Technology is very useful to education.

Technology is very useful and  necessary in education.
By using technology in education improve learning ability of learners.
It is new opportunity to learn things to learners. It is very useful to learners. Students get data with proper understanding and high speed and they learn anytime and anywhere.
Technology is not only purpose of entertainment but we get dipper knowledge of point. Learner can integrate technology by looking it as a source of knowledge.

David crystal talks about the materialistic development into society. He talked about printing press effecting the language. It plays vital role in development of language. He talk about telephone that it is very important part of people's lives. He also talked about internet played vital role in education. Like text message, Facebook,twitter,whats app,you tube video this tools can helped a lot to learning languages.

Sir ken Robinson said that there is public education and economic education. Our Cultural identity seen in society. He also talk about there are two types of people Ecadamic and non Ecadamic .

Sugata mitra future of learning
He said that before printing press when technology is not established there is orally class only student listen carefully,not talking attention in teacher's word but now paper comes we wright our thoughts on paper and our handwriting is clean.
It is difficult to get good teacher to remonte places. But government gave opportunity improvement to the teacher.But teacher are only work on their place.
He also talk about Group of children learn computer of them self. They learn them self . Children taught each other.

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