Monday, 2 March 2020


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Sunday, 1 March 2020

Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L Stevenson

'Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr,Hyde is a gotic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. It shows conflict of good and bad very innovatively and effectively.

In this novel Stevenson has portrayed the conflict between good and evil. There is one potion which Dr. Jekyll was taking and after taking that he was transformed into Mr. Hyde, who is evil in nature. Eventually Dr Jekyll has started transforming in to Mr. Hyde without taking potion. Mostly this happens in his sleep but after some time this started happening when he is awake  . After that he has started losing his ability to turned again into Dr. Jekyll. He has now know that after some time he will turn in to Mr. Hyde forgive. After knowing that fact Mr. Hyde has committed suicide. It shows the good and bad side of one. So Dr. Jekyll was a good and Mr. Hyde was evil.

Poem 'Design'

                 Design is a fourteen line sonnet. It is also called an Italian sonnet. The first eight lines make up one stanza while the second stanza is Six lines.                                    

The poem 'Design' based on the everyday observation of spider on white flower holding up a dead moth. The back ground of white flower called a heal all.
The spider, flower and moth are white usually stands for something virtuous and pure but here is describes as not purity but deadly pallor . It is story of moth death. It is not design of life but death. Moth and spider become the symbol of humanity. They both are product of natural forces not spiritual design spider holds dead moth is also a part of nature.
White flower the white spider holds the white moth so all this thing is rarely found. It is strange thing that all this things seeing at one place. The poem shows reality of nature.

Poem 'Daffodils' by William wordsworth

William wordsworth was a Major English Romantic poet. He was born on 7 the April 1770 and died on 23 Rd April 1850. He is famous for his poem. "I wandered lonely " as a cloud also commonly known as "'Daffodils" lyric  poem by William wordsworth.
In the first stanza he said wandering lonely as a cloud floats over high valleys and hills poet also wants to do the same. When the poet was wandering he saw a host of Daffodils . There was a cool breeze with breeze Daffodils were fluttering like dancing.
The second stanza poet said large number of Daffodils. He compares this with the Stars in milky way. He saw ten thousand Daffodils on river.
In third stanza poet is describing the joy which Daffodils have in dancing with breeze. He feeling happy to company of Daffodils. Then he had thought that how much this show has brought to him. It is wealth of emotions and of joy.
In last stanza the poet is at home. Now he talking about the nostalgia which he is lying on his couch in relaxed mood. Many times he sees the Daffodils from his inward eye. Poet's heart fills with pleasure and it also started dancing with Daffodils.
It follows ABABCc Rhyme scheme. The poem is about beauty of nature. Wordsworth feels happy to seen Daffodils.