Sunday, 29 September 2019

Transcendentalism and Anti transcendentalism

    Transcendentalism an idealistic philosophical and social movement which developed in new England around 1836 in reaction to rationalism.Influenced by Romanticism ,Platonism and Kantian philosophy,it taught that divinity pervadesiall nature and huminity and it's member held progressive views.

Anti Transcendentalism
Anti Transcendentalism was an opposition movement to the  Transcendentalism. This writers who supported the beauty of nature, the kindness of humans and distrust in government.Anti transcendentalism movement focus dark side of the nature.It means dark side of humanity and evilness,guit and sin.In the Scarlet letter novel infect of both movement.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

OD on oneness literature

All literature part of our new idea.It is try to connect each other to us. The oneness of literature is because the writers write  it on the base of historical dense and writers also shows their 's own feelings,emotions and problem with various types of archetypal symbols.Northorpe Frye also talks about the oneness of the world. So we can say that it is only physical attraction towards opposite gender and it is lust,not love.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

The Birthday party

1) Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?
Lulu's two scenes omitted from movie because direct don't wanted to show violence into his film.It may disturb readers.Also the center of the film is Stanley,Goldberg and McCain.So male is the center of the film.If direction show the scene in which Lulu harassed by Stanley.

2)Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text?
Movie is successful in giving us the effect of menace.when meg insist Stan ly to play Toy drum at that time the voice of toy drum increase and create violence.Also Stanley try to frightened Mag silence and long pause and unsettled and uncomfortable laugh of character create effect of menace.

3)Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text.
Yes I feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie when Stanley try to frightening Mag and suddenly door knocked by someone.Stanley was beaten by Goldberg and McCain the whole night.Next morning Stanley even not speak single word.

4)What do you read in newspaper in the movie?Petey is reading newspaper to meg,it torn into pieces by McCain,pieces are hidden by Petey in last scene.
Newspaper has a symbolically significant in the movie.Newspaper can be used for hiding self from unnecessary things or situation.In the scene in which Petey reading newspaper and magazine is working and asking current news.It shows power position in relationship.Newspaper also reflects reality.Petey hide the pieces of newspaper because he not wanted to show mag reality . Stanley tried to going against Goldberg and McCain may be fight for truth but this pieces of newspaper shows truth.

5)Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage when Stanley is playing it what in teleportation can you give to these positioning of camera?
Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind man's Buff.It shows his frustrating nature.He start broken the things when he can't find anyone.when Stanley is playing at that time camera positioned at the top with a view of room like cage.It shoes how Stanley becomes helpless and frightened.During this game his spectacle broken by McCain.

6)"Pinter restored theater to its basic elements : an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue,where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles.(Pinter,Art,Truth,politics:Excerpts from the 2005 Nobel lecture)Does this happen in the movies!
Yes,I find enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue which has no  connection with other one.But director also used out door scene in the beginning and at the end.Also very interestingly play opens in movie.Pinter more focus on the life of human relationship which also reflects in movie the characters always struggling for power.

7) How does viewing movie help in better understanding of the play The Birthday party with its typical characteristics(like pinteresque',pause,silence,menace,lurking danger)?
Yes,movie help to understand play.while reading you can't feel the menace,danger of silence,But while watching movie,it becomes successful in create effect of horror and lurking danger.The expression of the character help into understand the some basic things of the play.

The Birthday party pre task

. Harold Pinter the man and his works
Harold Pinter born in 1930 , English play-wright,known for his so- called comedies of tenance,which humorously and cynically depict people attempting to communicate as they react to an invasion on that of an invasion of their lives.He is also noted for his unique use of dialogues.Which exposes his characters alienation from each other and explores the layers meaning produced by pauses and silence.As a child Pinter got an well with his mother but not well with his father.
The Room originally written for Bristol university's drama department was finished in four days.The Birthday party was first performed by Bristol university drama department in 1957 and produced in 1958 in the West End.

.Comedy of menace:whose plays are known so? Who termed it? What are its peculiar characteristics? How is it different from Absurd Theatre!
Comedy of menace is a term used to describe the plays of David campton and Harold Pinter by drama critic Irving waffle,borrowed from the subtitle of Cameron's play TheLunatic view.A comedy menace,and comedies of menace caught on and have been used generally in advertisements and in critical accounts.
The Birthday party the comedy of menace is a tragedy with a number of comic elements.It is a comedy,which also produces an overwhelming tragic effect.

. Explain ' pinteresque' Pinter pause and use of silence,in the play.a particular atmosphere and environment in drama.
Pinter pause- one of the two silence- when Pinter's stage directions indicate pause and silence when his characters are not speaking at all has become a'trademark' of Pinter's dialogue and known as the Pinter pause .There are two silences.One when no word is spoken.The other when perhaps a torrent of language is being employed.
The atmosphere of menace - is also created by Pinter's ability to drop suddenly from a high comic level to one of deep seriousness.

.The  Birthday party an allegory of artist in exile and other interpreting
Somebody with unconcealed lifestyle.Artist are different for the society.
Psychological Reading- Goldberg and Macann represent past of Stanley's own sub conscious mind
Spiritual reading
Stanley as soul trying to get free from the cage of body.Nat and Sermon are agents of Death or social ritualists who washes the body before burying and thus liberating the soul.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Thinking activity waiting for Godot

1) What connection do you see in the setting("A country road.A tree Evening.") Of the play and these paintings?
The country road suggest a hope of some one coming.A tree suggest liveliness.And evening suggest Death.Road also connecting with waiting for someone.

2)The tree is the only important 'thing in the setting.What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in ActII on the barren tree- The tree has four leaves.
In act I barren tree- suggest absurdity in life and death of hope.It also shows the impact of world warII.Society turns into ditch.In the second act tree with five leaves suggest hope of something good.simeone coming.Hope of Godot will

3)In both Acts,evening falls into night and moon rises.How would you like to interpret this 'coming of night and moon' when actually they are waiting for Godot?
Night can be signifies as death and moon signifies as hope for someone coming both Vladimir and Estrogen were waiting for night with the hope that Godot will come.Vladimir asked himself that will night never come?so indirectly he wanted to say that will life never end.

4)The director feels the setting with some decris can you read any meaning in the contours of debris in the setting of the play?
The director feels the setting with some decris it shows the effect of wwII.Debris means destroy in pieces . which is useless and meaning less.So the human life also use less and meaning less.

5)The play begins with the dialogue " Nothing to be done".How does the theme of nothingness recurs in the play?
The main core of the play is nothingness.Vladimir and Estragon both waiting for Godot .The boy says them Godot will come tomorrow so they waiting for Godot and do many things to passing the time.But this things are meaningless because Godot never come

6)Do you agree." The play(waiting for Godot) we agreed was a positive play,not negative,not pessimistic.As I saw it,with my blood and skin and eyes,the philosophy is,no matter what atom bombs,hydrogen bombs,anything life goes on.You can kill your,but you can't kill life."
Waiting for Godot both as a positive and negative play because it shows the reality of human life.we passing our life meaning less It makes us free from idea of God.people can do anything with out fear of God.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor's book An Era of Darkness.
   In this book he said about Britain rich country in the world.British country come in the India and established British Raj in India.
Shashi Tharoor is an Indian writer and politician.He is serving as member of Parliament lol sabha.In the book of Era of Darkness he talk about what the British Did to India.He aptly portrays all the activities done by British Raj and their selfish motives to repatriate all that they could.British always exploited Indian in every ways .They always see their benefits first.They taking everything from India rather than spending money into development of India.Mughals only spend Indian money into development of India rather than taking it outside of India.Britisher had increased export text and described important texts .So this way they taking raw materials from India and Indian pay high text.British gave world only one thing that effects on people's mind that is violence and Racism British left India as most poorest country.

Ideas about Existentialism

I like the video 3 because Existentialism with Greek myth Sisyphus.It describe philosophical suicide.Sisyphus was punished to roll a rock up to the mountain to have roll down back from mountain.
I like the idea of Existentialism.Individually is more important.

Video 2
I like the idea of Philosophical suicide.

Video 3
I like the idea of absurd mind and philosophical suicide and physical suicide.

Video 4
I like the idea of Dadaism different from Nihilism.

Video 5
I like the thought of Existentialism consider as gloomy philosophy.

Video 7
Existentialism is philosophical movement.

Video 8
I like the idea person is free to do whatever he likes.This idea connect with free from fear of God.

Video 9
Existentialism has two sides intellectual side and deeper side of life

Video 10
Existentialism based on the idea of "Existence precedes Essence".

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Breath: Interpretation challenge

Breath.Interpretation challenge.
Breath is a play written by Samuel Beckett in the 1969.It was a smallest play about 30 second play .The play consider as absurd play.
 Breath means both life and death.The play reflects the reality of human life.It reflects Existentialism.

Script of the play.
The time of the play 30 seconds.

1) Breath by Damien Hurst
 In this video described materialistic things.Earth is replaced by materialistic.People are polluted the world and throw the garbage everywhere like plastic,bottles,medicine.And polluted the world.

2)Breath Samuel Beckett by Liana De jourdan.
In this video shows fruits Apple,banana,cherry,and vegetables like carrots,garlic,potato.People eat fruits and vegetables to maintain their health.But this things are meaningless no one escape from death.we eat this fruits and vegetables to live healthy but it doesn't save from death.

3) National Theatre school first year Technical production class project,production of Samuel Beckett's play Breath.

 In this video shows light and garbage.Here light is symbol of life and garbage is symbol of death.This video shows another side crying of child at beginning shows birth of person when people come in to the world with crying and when people dies  others are one crying give happiness and other crying gives unhappiness.

4)Samuel Beckett Breath(modern interpretation)

 In this video shows modern area.
How human surrounded by materialistic things.In this show development of science.Photos are seen in this video.Medicine show how humanbeing depends on medicine.People thinks controlling death with help of medicine but these are meaningless we can't stop death.