Sunday, 28 January 2018

Northrop Frye The Archetype criticism Thinking activity.

1)What is Archetypal criticism?what does the Archetypal critic do?
 Archetyple criticism is concerned with the cycle and reiterating patterns of Tradition,culture,patterns of action theme and images which are identity the varsity of works of literature as well as in myths,dreams and social Archetypal it means represented things.The Archetypal critics find out the symbols and Archetypal images which recurrently happen in the literature.
2)What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of 'physics to Nature's 'criticism to literature'?
 Physics is an organized body of knowledge about nature but student of physics says that they are learning physics not nature.Frye says that science and tries to learn literature.But literature can not be study consistently.Its related between criticism and literature.
3)Share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge.mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.

Ans.criticism is an organised body of knowledge which means we have started learning progressively.our experience shows that there is something progressive about learning literature.History is connected with stands past events and philosophy is with ideas.
4) Briefly explain indicative method with illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.
Shakespeare's Hamlet the grave digger scene is the example of it.It is specific scene which lead us toward general things.
  In some Religion shows buried rules of Christianity.some people says that it's nature death or suicide.some people says that Ophelia was very kind,noble women so buried in Christianity.According Christian religion suicide it's not normally buried in churchyard.Hamlet ready die with his love and conflict against with this scene we come to the general illustrations.
5)Briefly explain Deductive method with reference to an analogy to music,painting,rhythm and pattern.Give example of  out come of Deductive Method.
In Deductive Method it come from has Rhyme and painting has patterns.When we listing the music we can't understand easily but when we start understand the words in music we image a picture in our mind and with imagination we understand the things.And we reading literature we image the things and imagination helps understanding,rhythm,music,pattern,helps understand the literature.
6)Refer to the Indian seasonal grid(below) if you can,please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.

The Rainy season
 The rain 's gone on two days,
 I hope it goes on longer,
 this welcome break from time.

The sun demands
A smile,a dance,
A day of work,or play.

The rain makes no demands,
it covers and it nurtures,
Shelters seedlings in its arms.

T.s.Eliot: Traditional and individual talent

1)How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of tradition?Do you agree with it? Ans.Yes,I agree with T.s Eliot's concept of tradition.He gives positive and modern meaning of the Tradition.He says the poet follow the Tradition.poet has to write with awareness of literary tradition of his nation.He believe in positive way rather than negative thing. 2)What do you understand by Historical sense? And."The Historical sense involves a perception,not only of the past ness of the past,but it's presence" It means people must think about the present,it involves perception of the presence of the past not only it'd past ness. 3) What is a relationship between "Tradition" and "The individual talent" according to T.s Eliot? Ans.According to T.s.Eliot 'Tradition' and 'The individual talent' both are connected to each other.He speaks about Shakespeare new Tradition was breaking all the rules. 4) Explain"some can absorb knowledge the more tardy must sweat for it Shakespeare acquire more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British museum. Ans.Shakespeare has no more knowledge about various languages but he has knowledge in English he had ideas in themes,story,character etc.shakespeare lived through his age or we can say that he absorbed his entire age in his work. 5) Explain"Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon poet but upon the poetry?" Ans.Eliot says that a critic must be honest on impartial in his treatment there is no need to know the entire Biography about the poet to criticize his poetry. 6)How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of Depersonalization? Ans.Eliot gives good theory of Depersonalization.He says quality of artist.He speaks about the science and chemical.He says that sulfuric acid there need sulfuric dioxide and water and it works with the catalyst with out platinum it is impossible to complete this so platinumis plays very important part in this process but it is not found in the product itself . It connect with creative mind of poet. 7) Explain "poetry is not turning to loose of emotion but an escape from emotion it is not the expression of personality but escape from personality." Ans.poetry to escape from his emotion of his life which the poet faces and suffers throughout his life.Expresses his emotion s it gives pleasure. 8)Write two points on which one can write critique on T.s.Eliot as a critic. Ans.T. s.Eliot as a critic. 1)"poetry is not turning to loose of emotion but an escape from emotion is not the expression of personality but escape from personality." 2) Tradition is matter of much wider significance it can't be inherited and of you want it you must obtain it by great labour.